qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.BlueFors package


qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.BlueFors.BlueFors module

class qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.BlueFors.BlueFors.BlueFors(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Instrument

This is the QCoDeS python driver to extract the temperature and pressure from a BlueFors fridge

__init__(name: str, folder_path: str, channel_vacuum_can: int, channel_pumping_line: int, channel_compressor_outlet: int, channel_compressor_inlet: int, channel_mixture_tank: int, channel_venting_line: int, channel_50k_plate: int, channel_4k_plate: int, channel_still: int, channel_mixing_chamber: int, channel_magnet: int | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]

QCoDeS driver for BlueFors fridges. ! This driver get parameters from the fridge log files. ! It does not interact with the fridge electronics.

Args: name: Name of the instrument. folder_path: Valid path toward the BlueFors log folder. channel_vacuum_can: channel of the vacuum can channel_pumping_line: channel of the pumping line. channel_compressor_outlet: channel of the compressor outlet. channel_compressor_inlet: channel of the compressor inlet. channel_mixture_tank: channel of the mixture tank. channel_venting_line: channel of the venting line. channel_50k_plate: channel of the 50k plate. channel_4k_plate: channel of the 4k plate. channel_still: channel of the still. channel_mixing_chamber: channel of the mixing chamber. channel_magnet: channel of the magnet.

get_pressure(channel: int) float[source]

Return the last registered pressure of the current day for the channel.


channel (int) – Channel from which the pressure is extracted.


Pressure of the channel in mBar.

Return type:

pressure (float)

get_temperature(channel: int) float[source]

Return the last registered temperature of the current day for the channel.


channel (int) – Channel from which the temperature is extracted.


Temperature of the channel in Kelvin.

Return type:

temperature (float)

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