qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Cryogenic package


qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Cryogenic.CryogenicSMS120C module

Driver for Cryogenic Magnet Power Supply SMS120C.

Please refer to Cryogenic’s Magnet Power Supply SMS120C manual for further details and functionality. This magnet PS model is not SCPI compliant. Note that some commands return more than one line in the output, some are unidirectional, with no return (eg. ‘write’ rather than ‘ask’).

This magnet PS driver has been tested with FTDI chip drivers (USB to serial),

D2XX version installed and with Cryogenic SMS120C and SMS60C (though the default init arguments are not correct for the latter). Both the coil_constant and current_rating should be based on calibration data accompanying the magnet. The SMS60C current_rating should be slightly below 60, as indicated by its name. Examples of values for a 2T magnet using SMS60C are: coil_constant=0.0380136, current_rating=52.61

class qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Cryogenic.CryogenicSMS120C.CryogenicSMS120C(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: VisaInstrument

The following hard-coded, default values for Cryogenic magnets are safety limits and should not be modified. - these values should be set using the corresponding arguments when the class is called.


Overwrites the get_idn function using constants as the hardware does not have a proper *IDN function.


Message outputs do not follow the standard SCPI format, separate regexp to parse unique/variable instrument message structures.


The key (unused), and the value (parsed value extracted from output message)

default_current_ramp_limit = 0.0506
default_max_current_ramp_limit = 0.12

Driver for the Cryogenic SMS120C magnet power supply. This class controls a single magnet PSU. Magnet and magnet PSU limits : max B=12T, I=105.84A, V=3.5V

  • name (str) – a name for the instrument

  • address (str) – (serial to USB) COM number of the power supply

  • coil_constant (float) – coil constant in Tesla per ampere, fixed at 0.113375T/A

  • current_rating (float) – maximum current rating in ampere, fixed at 105.84A

  • current_ramp_limit (float) – current ramp limit in ampere per second, for 50mK operation 0.0506A/s (5.737E-3 T/s, 0.34422T/min) - usually used for 4K operation 0.12A/s (0.013605 T/s, 0.8163 T/min) - not recommended

Note about timing : SMS120C needs a minimum of 200ms delay between commands being sent

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