from qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Tektronix.FCA3100 import FCA3100
counter = FCA3100('counter', 'USB0::0x0699::0x3000::579249::INSTR', timeout=10)
Connected to: TEKTRONIX FCA3000 (serial:579249, firmware:V1.32 26 May 2022 09:54) in 0.13s

overview over all parameters

        parameter     value
IDN            :        {'vendor': 'TEKTRONIX', 'model': 'FCA3000', 'serial': '57924...
counter_axis   :        [ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.] (#)
samples_number :        11
threshold_A    :        0 (V)
threshold_B    :        0.036 (V)
time_array     :        Not available (s)
timeout        :        10 (s)
timestats      :        Not available (('s', 's', 's', 's'))

Usage of the two main parameters

Let’s get an example of the time statistics parameter (will return mean, stdev, min and max of a statistics containing samples_number number of samples)

(0.01862650541, 7.4022264e-05, 0.01851450451, 0.01873824896)

Let’s get an example of the time array parameter (will return an array of timestamps of length samples_number)

array([0.01856394, 0.01875304, 0.01868165, 0.01846251, 0.01853304,
       0.01867947, 0.01863655, 0.0185761 , 0.01863821, 0.01867253,