# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
# Etienne Dumur <etienne.dumur@gmail.com>, september 2020
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import date
from typing import Optional
from qcodes.instrument.base import Instrument
class BlueFors(Instrument):
This is the QCoDeS python driver to extract the temperature and pressure
from a BlueFors fridge
def __init__(self, name : str,
folder_path : str,
channel_vacuum_can : int,
channel_pumping_line : int,
channel_compressor_outlet : int,
channel_compressor_inlet : int,
channel_mixture_tank : int,
channel_venting_line : int,
channel_50k_plate : int,
channel_4k_plate : int,
channel_still : int,
channel_mixing_chamber : int,
channel_magnet : Optional[int] = None,
**kwargs) -> None:
QCoDeS driver for BlueFors fridges.
! This driver get parameters from the fridge log files.
! It does not interact with the fridge electronics.
name: Name of the instrument.
folder_path: Valid path toward the BlueFors log folder.
channel_vacuum_can: channel of the vacuum can
channel_pumping_line: channel of the pumping line.
channel_compressor_outlet: channel of the compressor outlet.
channel_compressor_inlet: channel of the compressor inlet.
channel_mixture_tank: channel of the mixture tank.
channel_venting_line: channel of the venting line.
channel_50k_plate: channel of the 50k plate.
channel_4k_plate: channel of the 4k plate.
channel_still: channel of the still.
channel_mixing_chamber: channel of the mixing chamber.
channel_magnet: channel of the magnet.
super().__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
self.folder_path = os.path.abspath(folder_path)
self.add_parameter(name = 'pressure_vacuum_can',
unit = 'mBar',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_pressure(channel_vacuum_can),
docstring = 'Pressure of the vacuum can',
self.add_parameter(name = 'pressure_pumping_line',
unit = 'mBar',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_pressure(channel_pumping_line),
docstring = 'Pressure of the pumping line',
self.add_parameter(name = 'pressure_compressor_outlet',
unit = 'mBar',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_pressure(channel_compressor_outlet),
docstring = 'Pressure of the compressor outlet',
self.add_parameter(name = 'pressure_compressor_inlet',
unit = 'mBar',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_pressure(channel_compressor_inlet),
docstring = 'Pressure of the compressor inlet',
self.add_parameter(name = 'pressure_mixture_tank',
unit = 'mBar',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_pressure(channel_mixture_tank),
docstring = 'Pressure of the mixture tank',
self.add_parameter(name = 'pressure_venting_line',
unit = 'mBar',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_pressure(channel_venting_line),
docstring = 'Pressure of the venting line',
self.add_parameter(name = 'temperature_50k_plate',
unit = 'K',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_temperature(channel_50k_plate),
docstring = 'Temperature of the 50K plate',
self.add_parameter(name = 'temperature_4k_plate',
unit = 'K',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_temperature(channel_4k_plate),
docstring = 'Temperature of the 4K plate',
if channel_magnet is not None:
self.add_parameter(name = 'temperature_magnet',
unit = 'K',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_temperature(channel_magnet),
docstring = 'Temperature of the magnet',
self.add_parameter(name = 'temperature_still',
unit = 'K',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_temperature(channel_still),
docstring = 'Temperature of the still',
self.add_parameter(name = 'temperature_mixing_chamber',
unit = 'K',
get_parser = float,
get_cmd = lambda: self.get_temperature(channel_mixing_chamber),
docstring = 'Temperature of the mixing chamber',
def get_temperature(self, channel: int) -> float:
Return the last registered temperature of the current day for the
channel (int): Channel from which the temperature is extracted.
temperature (float): Temperature of the channel in Kelvin.
folder_name = date.today().strftime("%y-%m-%d")
file_path = os.path.join(self.folder_path, folder_name, 'CH'+str(channel)+' T '+folder_name+'.log')
df = pd.read_csv(file_path,
delimiter = ',',
names = ['date', 'time', 'y'],
header = None)
# There is a space before the day for old BlueFors Control Sofware versions
date_time = pd.to_datetime(
df["date"] + "-" + df["time"], format=" %d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S"
except Exception:
# There is no space before the day with BlueFors Control Software v2.2
date_time = pd.to_datetime(
df["date"] + "-" + df["time"], format="%d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S"
df["date_time"] = date_time
df.set_index("date_time", inplace=True)
return df.iloc[-1]["y"]
except (PermissionError, OSError) as err:
self.log.warning('Cannot access log file: {}. Returning np.nan instead of the temperature value.'.format(err))
return np.nan
except IndexError as err:
self.log.warning('Cannot parse log file: {}. Returning np.nan instead of the temperature value.'.format(err))
return np.nan
def get_pressure(self, channel: int) -> float:
Return the last registered pressure of the current day for the
channel (int): Channel from which the pressure is extracted.
pressure (float): Pressure of the channel in mBar.
folder_name = date.today().strftime("%y-%m-%d")
file_path = os.path.join(self.folder_path, folder_name, 'maxigauge '+folder_name+'.log')
df = pd.read_csv(file_path,
names=['date', 'time',
'ch1_name', 'ch1_void1', 'ch1_status', 'ch1_pressure', 'ch1_void2', 'ch1_void3',
'ch2_name', 'ch2_void1', 'ch2_status', 'ch2_pressure', 'ch2_void2', 'ch2_void3',
'ch3_name', 'ch3_void1', 'ch3_status', 'ch3_pressure', 'ch3_void2', 'ch3_void3',
'ch4_name', 'ch4_void1', 'ch4_status', 'ch4_pressure', 'ch4_void2', 'ch4_void3',
'ch5_name', 'ch5_void1', 'ch5_status', 'ch5_pressure', 'ch5_void2', 'ch5_void3',
'ch6_name', 'ch6_void1', 'ch6_status', 'ch6_pressure', 'ch6_void2', 'ch6_void3',
df["date_time"] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']+'-'+df['time'], format='%d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S')
df.set_index("date_time", inplace=True)
return df.iloc[-1]['ch'+str(channel)+'_pressure']
except (PermissionError, OSError) as err:
self.log.warning('Cannot access log file: {}. Returning np.nan instead of the pressure value.'.format(err))
return np.nan
except IndexError as err:
self.log.warning('Cannot parse log file: {}. Returning np.nan instead of the pressure value.'.format(err))
return np.nan