Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Tektronix.Keithley_6500

from import VisaInstrument
from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentChannel
from qcodes.utils.validators import Numbers
from functools import partial
from .Keithley_2000_Scan import Keithley_2000_Scan_Channel

[docs] class Keithley_Sense(InstrumentChannel): """ This is the class for a measurement channel, i.e. the quantity to be measured (e.g. resistance, voltage). """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: VisaInstrument, name: str, channel: str) -> None: """ Args: parent: VisaInstrument instance of the Keithley Digital Multimeter name: Channel name (e.g. 'CH1') channel: Name of the quantity to measure (e.g. 'VOLT' for DC voltage measurement) """ valid_channels = ['VOLT', 'CURR', 'RES', 'FRES', 'TEMP'] if channel.upper() not in valid_channels: raise ValueError(f"Channel must be one of the following: {', '.join(valid_channels)}") super().__init__(parent, name) self.add_parameter('measure', unit=self._get_unit(channel), label=self._get_label(channel), get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self.parent._measure, channel), docstring="Measure value of chosen quantity (Current/Voltage/Resistance/Temperature)." ) self.add_parameter('nplc', label='NPLC', get_parser=float, get_cmd=f"SENS:{channel}:NPLC?", set_cmd=f"SENS:{channel}:NPLC {{:.4f}}", vals=Numbers(0.0005, 12), docstring="Integration rate (Number of Power Line Cycles)" )
@staticmethod def _get_unit(quantity: str) -> str: """ Args: quantity: Quantity to be measured Returns: Corresponding unit string """ channel_units = {'VOLT': 'V', 'CURR': 'A', 'RES': 'Ohm', 'FRES': 'Ohm', 'TEMP': 'C'} return channel_units[quantity] @staticmethod def _get_label(quantity: str) -> str: """ Args: quantity: Quantity to be measured Returns: Corresponding parameter label """ channel_labels = {'VOLT': 'Measured voltage.', 'CURR': 'Measured current.', 'RES': 'Measured resistance', 'FRES': 'Measured resistance (4w)', 'TEMP': 'Measured temperature'} return channel_labels[quantity]
[docs] class Keithley_6500(VisaInstrument): """ This is the qcodes driver for a Keithley DMM6500 digital multimeter. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, terminator="\n", **kwargs): """ Initialize instance of digital multimeter Keithley6500. Check if scanner card is inserted. Args: name: Name of instrument address: Address of instrument terminator: Termination character for SCPI commands **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to __init__ function of VisaInstrument class """ super().__init__(name, address, terminator=terminator, **kwargs) for quantity in ['VOLT', 'CURR', 'RES', 'FRES', 'TEMP']: channel = Keithley_Sense(self, quantity.lower(), quantity) self.add_submodule(quantity.lower(), channel) self.add_parameter('active_terminal', label='active terminal', get_cmd="ROUTe:TERMinals?", docstring="Active terminal of instrument. Can only be switched via knob on front panel.") self.add_parameter('resistance', unit='Ohm', label='Measured resistance', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'RES'), ) self.add_parameter('resistance_4w', unit='Ohm', label='Measured resistance', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'FRES') ) self.add_parameter('voltage_dc', unit='V', label='Measured DC voltage', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'VOLT') ) self.add_parameter('current_dc', unit='A', label='Measured DC current', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'CURR') ) self.add_parameter('temperature', unit='C', label='Measured temperature', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'TEMP') ) self.connect_message() # check if scanner card is connected # If no scanner card is connected, the query below returns "Empty Slot". # For the Scanner Card 2000-SCAN used for development of this driver the output was # "2000,10-Chan Mux,0.0.0a,00000000". scan_idn_msg = self.ask(":SYSTem:CARD1:IDN?") if scan_idn_msg != "Empty Slot": msg_parts = scan_idn_msg.split(",") print(f"Scanner card {msg_parts[0]}-SCAN detected.") for ch_number in range(1, 11): scan_channel = Keithley_2000_Scan_Channel(self, ch_number) self.add_submodule(f"ch{ch_number:d}", scan_channel)
# only measure if front terminal is active def _measure(self, quantity: str) -> str: """ Measure given quantity at front terminal of the instrument. Only perform measurement if front terminal is active. Send SCPI command to measure and read out given quantity. Args: quantity: Quantity to be measured Returns: Measurement result """ if self.active_terminal.get() == 'FRON': return self.ask(f"MEAS:{quantity}?") else: raise RuntimeError("Rear terminal is active instead of front terminal.")