Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Tektronix.Keithley_6430

# Qcodes driver Keithley 6430 SMU
# Based on QtLab legacy driver
from typing import List, Tuple

from import VisaInstrument
from qcodes.utils.validators import Ints, Numbers, Bool, Strings, Enum
from qcodes.utils.helpers import create_on_off_val_mapping
import logging
import warnings
from functools import partial

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

on_off_vals = create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val=1, off_val=0)

[docs] class Keithley_6430(VisaInstrument): r""" This is the Qcodes driver for the Keithley 6430 SMU. Args: name: The name used internally by QCoDeS address: Network address or alias of the instrument terminator: Termination character in VISA communication reset: resets to default values """ def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, terminator="\n", reset: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, address, terminator=terminator, **kwargs) self.add_parameter('source_current_compliance', unit='A', get_parser=float, set_cmd='SENS:CURR:PROT {}', get_cmd='SENS:CURR:PROT?', vals=Numbers(1e-9, 105e-3) ) self.add_parameter('source_voltage_compliance', unit='V', get_parser=float, set_cmd='SENS:VOLT:PROT {}', get_cmd='SENS:VOLT:PROT?', vals=Numbers(0.2e-3, 210), ) self.add_parameter('source_current_compliance_tripped', get_cmd='SENS:CURR:PROT:TRIP?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring='True if current has reached specified ' 'compliance.', ) self.add_parameter('source_voltage_compliance_tripped', get_cmd='SENS:VOLT:PROT:TRIP?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring='True if voltage has reached specified ' 'compliance.', ) self.add_parameter('source_current', unit='A', get_parser=float, label='Source current', set_cmd='SOUR:CURR:LEV {}', get_cmd='SOUR:CURR:LEV?', vals=Numbers(-105e-3, 105e-3), docstring='When in current sourcing mode, tries to ' 'set current to this level.', ) self.add_parameter('sense_current', unit='A', get_parser=float, label='Measured current', get_cmd=partial(self._read_value, 'CURR:DC'), snapshot_get=False, docstring='Value of measured current, when in ' 'current sensing mode.', ) self.add_parameter('sense_voltage', unit='V', get_parser=float, label='Measured voltage', get_cmd=partial(self._read_value, 'VOLT:DC'), snapshot_get=False, docstring='Value of measured voltage, when in ' 'voltage sensing mode.', ) self.add_parameter('sense_resistance', unit='Ohm', get_parser=float, label='Measured resistance', get_cmd=partial(self._read_value, 'RES'), snapshot_get=False, docstring='Value of measured resistance, when in ' 'resistance sensing mode.', ) self.add_parameter('source_current_range', unit='A', get_parser=float, set_cmd='SOUR:CURR:RANG {}', get_cmd='SOUR:CURR:RANG?', vals=Numbers(1e-12, 105e-3) ) self.add_parameter('source_voltage', unit='V', get_parser=float, label='Source voltage', set_cmd='SOUR:VOLT:LEV {}', get_cmd='SOUR:VOLT:LEV?', vals=Numbers(-210, 210), docstring='When in voltage sourcing mode, tries to ' 'set voltage to this level.', ) self.add_parameter('source_voltage_range', unit='V', get_parser=float, set_cmd='SOUR:VOLT:RANG {}', get_cmd='SOUR:VOLT:RANG?', vals=Numbers(200e-3, 200) ) self.add_parameter('source_delay_auto', set_cmd=':SOUR:DEL:AUTO {}', get_cmd=':SOUR:DEL:AUTO?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Automatically set a delay period that " "is appropriate for the present " "source/measure setup configuration.", ) self.add_parameter('source_delay', unit='s', get_parser=float, set_cmd=':SOUR:DEL {}', get_cmd=':SOUR:DEL?', vals=Numbers(0, 9999.998), docstring="Settling time after setting source " "value.", ) self.add_parameter('output_enabled', set_cmd='OUTP {}', get_cmd='OUTP?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring='Turns the source on or off.', ) self.add_parameter('output_auto_off_enabled', set_cmd=':SOUR:CLE:AUTO {}', get_cmd='OUTP?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, ) self.add_parameter('source_mode', set_cmd='SOUR:FUNC {}', get_cmd=self._get_source_mode, vals=Enum('VOLT', 'CURR'), docstring="Either 'VOLT' to source voltage, " "or 'CURR' for current.", ) self.add_parameter('sense_mode', set_cmd=self._set_sense_mode, get_cmd=self._get_sense_mode, vals=Strings(), docstring="Sensing mode." "Set to 'VOLT:DC', " "'CURR:DC', or 'RES', or a combination " "thereof by using comma.", ) self.add_parameter('sense_autorange', set_cmd=self._set_sense_autorange, get_cmd=self._get_sense_autorange, vals=Bool(), docstring="If True, all ranges in all modes are" " chosen automatically", ) self.add_parameter('sense_current_range', unit='A', get_parser=float, set_cmd=':SENS:CURR:RANG {}', get_cmd=':SENS:CURR:RANG?', vals=Numbers(1e-12, 1e-1), ) self.add_parameter('sense_voltage_range', unit='V', get_parser=float, set_cmd=':SENS:VOLT:RANG {}', get_cmd=':SENS:VOLT:RANG?', vals=Enum(200, 20, 2, 0.2), ) self.add_parameter('sense_resistance_range', unit='Ohm', get_parser=float, set_cmd=':SENS:RES:RANG {}', get_cmd=':SENS:RES:RANG?', vals=Numbers(2, 2e13), ) self.add_parameter('sense_resistance_offset_comp_enabled', set_cmd=':SENS:RES:OCOM {}', get_cmd=':SENS:RES:OCOM?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Set offset compensation on/off for " "resistance measurements.", ) self.add_parameter('trigger_source', set_cmd=':TRIG:SOUR {}', get_cmd=':TRIG:SOUR?', vals=Enum('IMM', 'TLIN'), docstring="Specify trigger control source." "IMMediate or TLINk.", ) self.add_parameter('arm_source', set_cmd=':ARM:SOUR {}', get_cmd=':ARM:SOUR?', vals=Enum('IMM', 'TLIN', "TIM", "MAN", "BUS", "NST", "PST", "BST"), docstring="Specify arm control source." "IMMediate, or TLINk, TIMer, MANual," " BUS, NSTest, PSTest, or BSTest.", ) self.add_parameter('trigger_count', set_cmd=':TRIG:COUN {}', get_cmd=':TRIG:COUN?', vals=Ints(), docstring="How many times to trigger.", ) self.add_parameter('arm_count', set_cmd=':ARM:COUN {}', get_cmd=':ARM:COUN?', vals=Ints(), docstring="How many times to arm.", ) self.add_parameter('nplc', get_parser=float, set_cmd=':NPLC {}', get_cmd=':NPLC?', vals=Numbers(0.01, 10), docstring="Set integration time to the specified" "value in Number of Powerline Cycles.", ) self.add_parameter('digits', get_parser=int, set_cmd='DISP:DIG {}', get_cmd='DISP:DIG?', vals=Ints(4, 7), docstring="Display resolution.", ) self.add_parameter('autozero', set_cmd='SYST:AZER:STAT {}', get_cmd='SYST:AZER:STAT?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Enable autozero." "Enabling maximizes accuracy, " "disabling increases speed.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_auto', set_cmd='AVER:AUTO {}', get_cmd='AVER:AUTO?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Automatically choose filtering.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_repeat_enabled', set_cmd=':AVER:REP:STAT {}', get_cmd='AVER:AUTO?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Enable repeat filter.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_median_enabled', set_cmd=':MED:STAT {}', get_cmd=':MED:STAT?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Enable median filter.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_moving_enabled', set_cmd=':AVER:STAT {}', get_cmd=':AVER:STAT?', val_mapping=on_off_vals, docstring="Enable moving average.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_repeat', get_parser=int, set_cmd=':AVER:REP:COUN {}', get_cmd=':AVER:REP:COUN?', vals=Ints(), docstring="Number of readings that are acquired" "and stored in the filter buffer.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_median', get_parser=int, set_cmd=':MED:RANK {}', get_cmd=':MED:RANK?', vals=Ints(), docstring="Number of reading samples" " for the median filter process.", ) self.add_parameter('filter_moving', get_parser=int, set_cmd=':AVER:COUN {}', get_cmd=':AVER:COUN?', vals=Ints(), docstring="Number of reading samples" " in the moving average filter.", ) self.connect_message() if reset: self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: r""" Resets instrument to default values """ self.write('*RST')
[docs] def read(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Arm, trigger, and readout. Note that the values may not be valid if sense mode doesn't include them. Returns: tuple of (voltage (V), current (A), resistance (Ohm)) """ if not (self.output_enabled() or self.output_auto_off_enabled()): raise Exception( "Either source must be turned on manually or " "``output_auto_off_enabled`` has to be enabled before " "measuring a sense parameter." ) s = self.ask(':READ?') logging.debug(f'Read: {s}') v, i, r = [float(n) for n in s.split(',')][:3] return v, i, r
def _read_value(self, quantity: str) -> float: """ Read voltage, current or resistance through the sensing module. Issues a warning if reading a value that does not correspond to the sensing mode. Args: quantity: either "VOLT:DC", "CURR:DC" or "RES" Returns: Measured value of the requested quantity. """ mode_now = self.sense_mode() if quantity not in mode_now: warnings.warn(f"{self.short_name} tried reading {quantity}, but " f"mode is set to {mode_now}. Value might be out of " f"date.") mapping = {"VOLT:DC": 0, "CURR:DC": 1, "RES": 2} return[mapping[quantity]]
[docs] def init(self) -> None: """ Go into the arm/trigger layers from the idle mode. """ self.write(':INIT')
[docs] def set_trigger_immediate(self) -> None: """ Set trigger and arm modes to immediate. """ self.trigger_source('IMM') self.arm_source('IMM')
def _set_sense_mode(self, mode: str) -> None: """ Set the sense_mode to the specified value Input: mode: mode(s) to be set. Choose from self._sense_modes. Use comma to separate multiple modes. """ modes = [m.strip(' ') for m in mode.split(',')] if not all([m in ["RES", "CURR:DC", "VOLT:DC"] for m in modes]): raise ValueError(f'invalid sense_mode {modes}') modes_str = '"' + '","'.join(modes) + '"' string = f':SENS:FUNC {modes_str}' self.write(':SENS:FUNC:OFF:ALL') self.write(string) def _get_sense_mode(self) -> str: """ Read the sense_mode from the device """ string = 'SENS:FUNC?' ans = self.ask(string).replace('"', '') return ans def _get_source_mode(self) -> str: """ Read the source_mode from the device """ string = 'SOUR:FUNC?' ans = self.ask(string).strip('"') return ans def _set_sense_autorange(self, val: bool) -> None: """ Switch sense_autorange on or off for all modes. """ n = int(val) self.write(f'SENS:CURR:RANG:AUTO {n}') self.write(f'SENS:VOLT:RANG:AUTO {n}') self.write(f'SENS:RES:RANG:AUTO {n}') def _get_sense_autorange(self) -> bool: """ Get status of sense_autorange. Returns true iff true for all modes """ reply0 = bool(int(self.ask('SENS:CURR:RANG:AUTO?'))) reply1 = bool(int(self.ask('SENS:VOLT:RANG:AUTO?'))) reply2 = bool(int(self.ask('SENS:RES:RANG:AUTO?'))) return reply0 and reply1 and reply2