Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Tektronix.Keithley_2000_Scan

from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentChannel

    from .Keithley_6500 import Keithley_6500

[docs] class Keithley_2000_Scan_Channel(InstrumentChannel): """ This is the qcodes driver for a channel of the 2000-SCAN scanner card. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dmm: "Keithley_6500", channel: int, **kwargs) -> None: """ Initialize instance of scanner card Keithley 2000-SCAN Args: dmm: Instance of digital multimeter Keithley6500 containing the scanner card channel: Channel number **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to __init__ function of InstrumentChannel class """ super().__init__(dmm, f"ch{channel}", **kwargs) = channel self.dmm = dmm self.add_parameter('resistance', unit='Ohm', label=f'Resistance CH{}', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'RES')) self.add_parameter('resistance_4w', unit='Ohm', label=f'Resistance (4-wire) CH{}', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'FRES')) self.add_parameter('voltage_dc', unit='V', label=f'DC Voltage CH{}', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'VOLT')) self.add_parameter('current_dc', unit='A', label=f'DC current CH{}', get_parser=float, get_cmd=partial(self._measure, 'CURR'))
def _measure(self, quantity: str) -> str: """ Measure given quantity at rear terminal of the instrument. Only perform measurement if rear terminal is active. Send SCPI command to measure and read out given quantity. Args: quantity: Quantity to be measured Returns: Measurement result """ if self.dmm.active_terminal.get() == 'REAR': self.write(f"SENS:FUNC '{quantity}', (@{})") self.write(f"ROUT:CLOS (@{})") return self.ask("READ?") else: raise RuntimeError("Front terminal is active instead of rear terminal.")