Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Tektronix.AWG520

# class, to perform the communication between the Wrapper and the device
# Pieter de Groot <>, 2008
# Martijn Schaafsma <>, 2008
# Vishal Ranjan, 2012
# Ron schutjens, 2012
# Adriaan Rol, 2016 Ported to QCodes
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import time
import logging
import numpy as np
import struct
from qcodes import VisaInstrument, validators as vals

[docs] class Tektronix_AWG520(VisaInstrument): """ This is the python driver for the Tektronix AWG520 Arbitrary Waveform Generator Work pending: 1) Get All 2) Remove test_send?? 3) Add docstrings Work pending: use inheritance for common use with 520, currently contains a lot of repetition """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, address, reset=False, clock=1e9, numpoints=1000, **kw): """ Initializes the AWG520. Args: name (str) : name of the instrument address (str) : GPIB address (Note: 520 cannot be controlled via ethernet) reset (bool) : resets to default values, default=false numpoints (int) : sets the number of datapoints Output: None """ super().__init__(name, address, **kw) self._address = address self._values = {} self._values['files'] = {} self._clock = clock self._numpoints = numpoints self._fname = '' self.add_function('reset', call_cmd='*RST') self.add_parameter('state', get_cmd=self.get_state) # Add parameters self.add_parameter('trigger_mode', get_cmd='AWGC:RMOD?', set_cmd='AWGC:RMOD ' + '{}', vals=vals.Enum('CONT', 'TRIG', 'ENH', 'GAT')) self.add_parameter('trigger_impedance', unit='Ohm', label='Trigger impedance (Ohm)', get_cmd='TRIG:IMP?', set_cmd='TRIG:IMP '+'{}', vals=vals.Enum(50, 1000), get_parser=float) self.add_parameter('trigger_level', unit='V', label='Trigger level (V)', get_cmd='TRIG:LEV?', set_cmd='TRIG:LEV '+'{:.3f}', vals=vals.Numbers(-5, 5), get_parser=float) self.add_parameter('clock_freq', label='Clock frequency (Hz)', get_cmd='SOUR:FREQ?', set_cmd='SOUR:FREQ '+'{}', vals=vals.Numbers(1e6, 1e9), get_parser=float) # Todo check if max freq is 1.2 GHz for the AWG 520 aswell self.add_parameter('numpoints', label='Number of datapoints per wave', get_cmd=self._do_get_numpoints, set_cmd=self._do_set_numpoints, vals=vals.Ints(100, int(1e9))) for ch in [1, 2]: amp_cmd = 'SOUR{}:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL'.format(ch) offset_cmd = 'SOUR{}:VOLT:LEV:IMM:OFFS'.format(ch) self.add_parameter( 'ch{}_filename'.format(ch), set_cmd=self._gen_ch_set_func( self._do_set_filename, ch), vals=vals.Anything()) self.add_parameter('ch{}_amp'.format(ch), label='Amplitude channel {} (V)'.format(ch), unit='V', get_cmd=amp_cmd + '?', set_cmd=amp_cmd + ' {:.6f}', vals=vals.Numbers(0.02, 2.0), get_parser=float) self.add_parameter('ch{}_offset'.format(ch), label='Offset channel {} (V)'.format(ch), unit='V', get_cmd=offset_cmd + '?', set_cmd=offset_cmd + ' {:.3f}', vals=vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0), get_parser=float) self.add_parameter('ch{}_status'.format(ch), get_cmd='OUTP{}?'.format(ch), set_cmd='OUTP{}'.format(ch) + ' {}', vals=vals.Enum('ON', 'OFF'), get_parser=float) for j in [1, 2]: # TODO: check that 520 does not have marker delay feature # m_del_cmd = 'SOUR{}:MARK{}:DEL'.format(ch, j) m_high_cmd = 'SOUR{}:MARK{}:VOLT:LEV:IMM:HIGH'.format(ch, j) m_low_cmd = 'SOUR{}:MARK{}:VOLT:LEV:IMM:LOW'.format(ch, j) self.add_parameter( 'ch{}_m{}_high'.format(ch, j), label='Channel {} Marker {} high level (V)'.format(ch, j), get_cmd=m_high_cmd + '?', set_cmd=m_high_cmd + ' {:.3f}', vals=vals.Numbers(-2., 2.), get_parser=float) self.add_parameter( 'ch{}_m{}_low'.format(ch, j), label='Channel {} Marker {} low level (V)'.format(ch, j), get_cmd=m_low_cmd + '?', set_cmd=m_low_cmd + ' {:.3f}', vals=vals.Numbers(-2., 2.), get_parser=float) # Add functions if reset: self.reset() else: self.get_all() self.connect_message()
# Functions def _gen_ch_set_func(self, fun, ch): def set_func(val): return fun(ch, val) return set_func def _gen_ch_get_func(self, fun, ch): def get_func(): return fun(ch) return get_func # get state AWG
[docs] def get_state(self): state = self.visa_handle.ask('AWGC:RSTATE?') if state.startswith('0'): return 'Idle' elif state.startswith('1'): return 'Waiting for trigger' elif state.startswith('2'): return 'Running' else: logging.error(__name__ + ' : AWG in undefined state') return 'error'
[docs] def start(self): self.visa_handle.write('AWGC:RUN') return
[docs] def stop(self): self.visa_handle.write('AWGC:STOP')
[docs] def get_folder_contents(self): return self.visa_handle.ask('mmem:cat?')
[docs] def get_current_folder_name(self): return self.visa_handle.ask('mmem:cdir?')
[docs] def set_current_folder_name(self, file_path): self.visa_handle.write('mmem:cdir "%s"' % file_path)
[docs] def change_folder(self, dir): self.visa_handle.write('mmem:cdir "%s"' % dir)
[docs] def goto_root(self): self.visa_handle.write('mmem:cdir')
[docs] def make_directory(self, dir, root): """ makes a directory if root = True, new dir in main folder """ if root: self.goto_root() self.visa_handle.write('MMEMory:MDIRectory "{}"'.format(dir)) else: self.visa_handle.write('MMEMory:MDIRectory "{}"'.format(dir))
[docs] def get_all(self, update=True): # TODO: fix bug in snapshot where it tries to get setable only param # return self.snapshot(update=update) return self.snapshot(update=False)
[docs] def clear_waveforms(self): """ Clears the waveform on both channels. Input: None Output: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Clear waveforms from channels') self.visa_handle.write('SOUR1:FUNC:USER ""') self.visa_handle.write('SOUR2:FUNC:USER ""')
[docs] def force_trigger(self): """ forces a trigger event (used for wait_trigger option in sequences) Ron """ return self.visa_handle.write('TRIG:SEQ:IMM')
[docs] def force_logicjump(self): """ forces a jumplogic event (used as a conditional event during waveform executions) note: jump_logic events&mode have to be set properly! Ron """ return self.visa_handle.write('AWGC:EVEN:SEQ:IMM')
[docs] def set_jumpmode(self, mode): """ sets the jump mode for jump logic events, possibilities: LOGic,TABle,SOFTware give mode as string note: jump_logic events&mode have to be set properly! Ron """ return self.visa_handle.write('AWGC:ENH:SEQ:JMOD %s' % mode)
[docs] def get_jumpmode(self, mode): """ get the jump mode for jump logic events Ron """ return self.visa_handle.ask('AWGC:ENH:SEQ:JMOD?')
def _do_get_numpoints(self): """ Returns the number of datapoints in each wave Input: None Output: numpoints (int) : Number of datapoints in each wave """ return self._numpoints def _do_set_numpoints(self, numpts): """ Sets the number of datapoints in each wave. This acts on both channels. Input: numpts (int) : The number of datapoints in each wave Output: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Trying to set numpoints to %s' % numpts) if numpts != self._numpoints: logging.warning(__name__ + ' : changing numpoints. This will clear all waveforms!') response = 'yes' # raw_input('type "yes" to continue') if response == 'yes': logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Setting numpoints to %s' % numpts) self._numpoints = numpts self.clear_waveforms() else: print('aborted')
[docs] def set_setup_filename(self, fname, force_reload=False): if self._fname == fname and not force_reload: print('File %s already loaded in AWG520' % fname) return else: self._fname = fname filename = r"\%s/%s.seq" % (fname, fname) self.set_sequence(filename=filename) print('Waiting for AWG to load file "%s"' % fname) sleeptime = 0.5 # while state idle is not possible due to timeout error while loading t0 = time.time() while(time.time()-t0 < 360): try: if self.get_state() == 'Idle': break except: time.sleep(sleeptime) print('.') self.get_state() print('Loading file took %.2fs' % (time.time()-t0)) return
def _do_set_filename(self, name, channel): """ Specifies which file has to be set on which channel Make sure the file exists, and the numpoints and clock of the file matches the instrument settings. If file doesn't exist an error is raised, if the numpoints doesn't match the command is neglected Input: name (str) : filename of uploaded file channel (int) : 1 or 2, the number of the designated channel Output: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Try to set {} on channel {}'.format( name, channel)) exists = False if name in self._values['files']: exists = True logging.debug(__name__ + ' : File exists in loacal memory') self._values['recent_channel_%s' % channel] = self._values[ 'files'][name] self._values['recent_channel_%s' % channel]['filename'] = name else: logging.debug(__name__ + ' : File does not exist in memory, \ reading from instrument') lijst = self.visa_handle.ask('MMEM:CAT? "MAIN"') bool = False bestand = "" for i in range(len(lijst)): if (lijst[i] =='"'): bool = True elif (lijst[i] == ','): bool = False if (bestand == name): exists = True bestand = "" elif bool: bestand = bestand + lijst[i] if exists: data = self.visa_handle.ask('MMEM:DATA? "%s"' %name) logging.debug(__name__ + ' : File exists on instrument, loading \ into local memory') # string alsvolgt opgebouwd: '#' <lenlen1> <len> 'MAGIC 1000\r\n' '#' <len waveform> 'CLOCK ' <clockvalue> len1 = int(data[1]) len2 = int(data[2:2+len1]) i = len1 tekst = "" while (tekst !='#'): tekst = data[i] i = i+1 len3 = int(data[i]) len4 = int(data[i+1:i+1+len3]) w = [] m1 = [] m2 = [] for q in range(i+1+len3, i+1+len3+len4, 5): j = int(q) c, d = struct.unpack('<fB', data[j:5+j]) w.append(c) m2.append(int(d/2)) m1.append(d-2*int(d/2)) clock = float(data[i+1+len3+len4+5:len(data)]) self._values['files'][name] = {} self._values['files'][name]['w'] = w self._values['files'][name]['m1'] = m1 self._values['files'][name]['m2'] = m2 self._values['files'][name]['clock'] = clock self._values['files'][name]['numpoints'] = len(w) self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel] = self._values['files'][name] self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel]['filename'] = name else: logging.error(__name__ + ' : Invalid filename specified %s' %name) if (self._numpoints==self._values['files'][name]['numpoints']): logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Set file %s on channel %s' % (name, channel)) self.visa_handle.write('SOUR%s:FUNC:USER "%s","MAIN"' % (channel, name)) else: self.visa_handle.write('SOUR%s:FUNC:USER "%s","MAIN"' % (channel, name)) logging.warning(__name__ + ' : Verkeerde lengte %s ipv %s' %(self._values['files'][name]['numpoints'], self._numpoints)) # Ask for string with filenames
[docs] def get_filenames(self): logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Read filenames from instrument') return self.visa_handle.ask('MMEM:CAT? "MAIN"')
[docs] def return_self(self): return self
# Send waveform to the device
[docs] def send_waveform(self, w, m1, m2, filename, clock): """ Sends a complete waveform. All parameters need to be specified. choose a file extension 'wfm' (must end with .pat) See also: resend_waveform() Input: w (float[numpoints]) : waveform m1 (int[numpoints]) : marker1 m2 (int[numpoints]) : marker2 filename (str) : filename clock (int) : frequency (Hz) Output: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Sending waveform %s to instrument' % filename) # Check for errors dim = len(w) if (not((len(w) == len(m1)) and ((len(m1) == len(m2))))): return 'error' self._values['files'][filename] = {} self._values['files'][filename]['w'] = w self._values['files'][filename]['m1'] = m1 self._values['files'][filename]['m2'] = m2 self._values['files'][filename]['clock'] = clock self._values['files'][filename]['numpoints'] = len(w) m = m1 + np.multiply(m2, 2) ws = '' for i in range(0, len(w)): ws = ws + struct.pack('<fB', w[i], int(m[i])) s1 = 'MMEM:DATA "%s",' % filename s3 = 'MAGIC 1000\n' s5 = ws s6 = 'CLOCK %.10e\n' % clock s4 = '#' + str(len(str(len(s5)))) + str(len(s5)) lenlen = str(len(str(len(s6) + len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)))) s2 = '#' + lenlen + str(len(s6) + len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)) mes = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 self.visa_handle.write(mes)
[docs] def send_pattern(self, w, m1, m2, filename, clock): """ Sends a pattern file. similar to waveform except diff file extension number of poitns different. diff byte conversion See also: resend_waveform() Input: w (float[numpoints]) : waveform m1 (int[numpoints]) : marker1 m2 (int[numpoints]) : marker2 filename (str) : filename clock (int) : frequency (Hz) Output: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Sending pattern %s to instrument' % filename) # Check for errors dim = len(w) if (not((len(w)==len(m1)) and ((len(m1)==len(m2))))): return 'error' self._values['files'][filename]={} self._values['files'][filename]['w']=w self._values['files'][filename]['m1']=m1 self._values['files'][filename]['m2']=m2 self._values['files'][filename]['clock']=clock self._values['files'][filename]['numpoints']=len(w) m = m1 + np.multiply(m2, 2) ws = '' for i in range(0, len(w)): ws = ws + struct.pack('<fB', w[i], int(m[i])) s1 = 'MMEM:DATA "%s",' % filename s3 = 'MAGIC 2000\n' s5 = ws s6 = 'CLOCK %.10e\n' % clock s4 = '#' + str(len(str(len(s5)))) + str(len(s5)) lenlen=str(len(str(len(s6) + len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)))) s2 = '#' + lenlen + str(len(s6) + len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)) mes = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 self.visa_handle.write(mes)
[docs] def resend_waveform(self, channel, w=[], m1=[], m2=[], clock=[]): """ Resends the last sent waveform for the designated channel Overwrites only the parameters specifiedta Input: (mandatory) channel (int) : 1 or 2, the number of the designated channel Input: (optional) w (float[numpoints]) : waveform m1 (int[numpoints]) : marker1 m2 (int[numpoints]) : marker2 clock (int) : frequency Output: None """ filename = self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel]['filename'] logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Resending %s to channel %s' % (filename, channel)) if (w==[]): w = self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel]['w'] if (m1==[]): m1 = self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel]['m1'] if (m2==[]): m2 = self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel]['m2'] if (clock==[]): clock = self._values['recent_channel_%s' %channel]['clock'] if not ( (len(w) == self._numpoints) and (len(m1) == self._numpoints) and (len(m2) == self._numpoints)): logging.error(__name__ + ' : one (or more) lengths of waveforms do not match with numpoints') self.send_waveform(w, m1, m2, filename, clock) self.do_set_filename(filename, channel)
[docs] def delete_all_waveforms_from_list(self): """ for compatibillity with awg, is not relevant for AWG520 since it has no waveform list """ pass
[docs] def send_sequence(self, wfs, rep, wait, goto, logic_jump, filename): """ Sends a sequence file (for the moment only for ch1) Args: wfs: list of filenames Returs: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Sending sequence %s to instrument' % filename) N = str(len(rep)) try: wfs.remove(N*[None]) except ValueError: pass s1 = 'MMEM:DATA "%s",' % filename if len(np.shape(wfs)) ==1: s3 = 'MAGIC 3001\n' s5 = '' for k in range(len(rep)): s5 = s5+ '"%s",%s,%s,%s,%s\n'%(wfs[k],rep[k],wait[k],goto[k],logic_jump[k]) else: s3 = 'MAGIC 3002\n' s5 = '' for k in range(len(rep)): s5 = s5+ '"%s","%s",%s,%s,%s,%s\n'%(wfs[0][k],wfs[1][k],rep[k],wait[k],goto[k],logic_jump[k]) s4 = 'LINES %s\n'%N lenlen=str(len(str(len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)))) s2 = '#' + lenlen + str(len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)) mes = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 self.visa_handle.write(mes)
[docs] def send_sequence2(self,wfs1,wfs2,rep,wait,goto,logic_jump,filename): """ Sends a sequence file Args: wfs1: list of filenames for ch1 (all must end with .pat) wfs2: list of filenames for ch2 (all must end with .pat) rep: list wait: list goto: list logic_jump: list filename: name of output file (must end with .seq) Returns: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Sending sequence %s to instrument' % filename) N = str(len(rep)) s1 = 'MMEM:DATA "%s",' % filename s3 = 'MAGIC 3002\n' s4 = 'LINES %s\n'%N s5 = '' for k in range(len(rep)): s5 = s5+ '"%s","%s",%s,%s,%s,%s\n'%(wfs1[k],wfs2[k],rep[k],wait[k],goto[k],logic_jump[k]) lenlen=str(len(str(len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)))) s2 = '#' + lenlen + str(len(s5) + len(s4) + len(s3)) mes = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 self.visa_handle.write(mes)
[docs] def set_sequence(self,filename): """ loads a sequence file on all channels. Waveforms/patterns to be executed on respective channel must be defined inside the sequence file itself make sure to send all waveforms before setting a seq """ self.visa_handle.write('SOUR%s:FUNC:USER "%s","MAIN"' % (1, filename))
[docs] def load_and_set_sequence(self,wfs,rep,wait,goto,logic_jump,filename): """ Loads and sets the awg sequecne """ self.send_sequence(wfs,rep,wait,goto,logic_jump,filename) self.set_sequence(filename)