Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.OxfordInstruments.kelvinox

# OxfordInstruments_Kelvinox_IGH class, to perform the communication between the Wrapper and the device
# Copyright (c) 2017 QuTech (Delft)
# Code is available under the available under the `MIT open-source license
# <>`_

# Sjaak van Diepen <>, 2017
# Guenevere Prawiroatmodjo <>, 2009
# Pieter de Groot <>, 2009

from time import sleep
import pyvisa
import pyvisa.constants
import logging
import numpy
from qcodes.instrument import VisaInstrument
from qcodes import validators as vals
from functools import partial

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OxfordInstruments_Kelvinox_IGH(VisaInstrument): """ This is the python driver for the Oxford Instruments Kelvinox IGH Dilution Refrigerator and Intelligent Dilution Refrigerator Power Supply (IDR PS). Usage: Initialize with fridge = qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.oxford.kelvinox.OxfordInstruments_Kelvinox_IGH(name='fridge', address='ASRL4::INSTR') Note: Since the ISOBUS allows for several instruments to be managed in parallel, the command which is sent to the device starts with '@n', where n is the ISOBUS instrument number. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, address, number=5, **kwargs): """ Initializes the Oxford Instruments Kelvinox IGH Dilution Refrigerator. Input: name (string) : name of the instrument address (string) : instrument address number (int) : ISOBUS instrument number """ log.debug('Initializing instrument') super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) self._address = address self._number = number self._values = {} self.visa_handle.set_visa_attribute(pyvisa.constants.VI_ATTR_ASRL_STOP_BITS, pyvisa.constants.VI_ASRL_STOP_TWO) self._valve_map = { 1: '9', 2: '8', 3: '7', 4: '11A', 5: '13A', 6: '13B', 7: '11B', 8: '12B', 10: '1', 11: '5', 12: '4', 13: '3', 14: '14', 15: '10', 16: '2', 17: '2A', 18: '1A', 19: '5A', 20: '4A' } # Add parameters self.add_parameter('one_K_pot_temp', unit='K', get_cmd=self._get_one_K_pot_temp) self.add_parameter('mix_chamber_temp', unit='K', get_cmd=self._get_mix_chamber_temp, set_cmd=self._set_mix_chamber_temp) self.add_parameter('G1', unit='mbar', get_cmd=self._get_G1) self.add_parameter('G2', unit='mbar', get_cmd=self._get_G2) self.add_parameter('G3', unit='mbar', get_cmd=self._get_G3) self.add_parameter('P1', unit='mbar', get_cmd=self._get_P1) self.add_parameter('P2', unit='mbar', get_cmd=self._get_P2) self.add_parameter('V6_valve', unit='%', get_cmd=self._get_V6_valve, set_cmd=self._set_V6_valve) self.add_parameter('V12A_valve', unit='%', get_cmd=self._get_V12A_valve, set_cmd=self._set_V12A_valve) self.add_parameter('still_status', get_cmd=self._get_still_status) self.add_parameter('sorb_status', get_cmd=self._get_sorb_status) self.add_parameter('still_power', unit='mW', get_cmd=self._get_still_power, set_cmd=self._set_still_power) self.add_parameter('sorb_temp', unit='K', get_cmd=self._get_sorb_temp, set_cmd=self._set_sorb_temp) self.add_parameter('remote_status', get_cmd=self._get_remote_status, set_cmd=self._set_remote_status, vals=vals.Ints()) for valve in self._valve_map: self.add_parameter('V%s_valve' % self._valve_map[valve], get_cmd=partial( self._get_valve_status, valve=valve), set_cmd=partial(self._set_valve_status, valve=valve))
[docs] def get_all(self): """ Reads all implemented parameters from the instrument, and updates the wrapper. """'reading all settings from instrument') self.snapshot(update=True)
# Functions def _execute(self, message): """ Write a command to the device Args: message (str) : write command for the device """'Send the following command to the device: %s' % message) self.visa_handle.write('@%s%s' % (self._number, message)) sleep(70e-3) # wait for the device to be able to respond result = self._read() if result.find('?') >= 0: print("Error: Command %s not recognized" % message) else: return result def _read(self): """ Reads the total bytes in the buffer and outputs as a string. Returns: message (str) """ bytes_in_buffer = self.visa_handle.bytes_in_buffer with(self.visa_handle.ignore_warning(pyvisa.constants.VI_SUCCESS_MAX_CNT)): mes = self.visa_handle.session, bytes_in_buffer) mes = str(mes[0].decode()) return mes
[docs] def identify(self): """Identify the device Returns: a string of the form ``'IGH Version 3.02 (c) OXFORD 1998\\r'`` """'Identify the device') return self._execute('V')
[docs] def remote(self): """Set control to remote and unlocked"""'Set control to remote and unlocked') self.remote_status(3)
[docs] def local(self): """Set control to local and unlocked"""'Set control to local and unlocked') self.remote_status(2)
[docs] def close(self): """Safely close connection"""'Closing IPS120 connection') self.local() super().close()
[docs] def get_idn(self): """ Overides the function of Instrument since IPS120 does not support `*IDN?` This string is supposed to be a comma-separated list of vendor, model, serial, and firmware, but semicolon and colon are also common separators so we accept them here as well. Returns: A dict containing vendor, model, serial, and firmware. """ identity = self.identify() idparts = [identity[24:30], identity[:3], None, identity[15:19]] return dict(zip(('vendor', 'model', 'serial', 'firmware'), idparts))
def _get_remote_status(self): """ Get remote control status Returns: result(str) : "Local & locked", "Remote & locked", "Local & unlocked", "Remote & unlocked", "Auto-run-down", "Auto-run-down", "Auto-run-down", "Auto-run-down" """'Get remote control status') result = self._execute('X') val_mapping = {0: "Local and locked", 1: "Remote and locked", 2: "Local and unlocked", 3: "Remote and unlocked", 4: "Auto-run-down", 5: "Auto-run-down", 6: "Auto-run-down", 7: "Auto-run-down"} return val_mapping[int(result[5])] def _set_remote_status(self, mode): """ Set remote control status. Args: mode(int) : 0 : "Local and locked", 1 : "Remote and locked" (not available), 2 : "Local and unlocked", 3 : "Remote and unlocked" """ status = { 0: "Local and locked", 2: "Local and unlocked", 3: "Remote and unlocked", } if status.__contains__(mode):'Setting remote control status to %s' % status.get( mode, "Unknown")) self._execute('C%s' % mode) else: print('Invalid mode inserted: %s' % mode) def _get_one_K_pot_temp(self): """ Get 1K Pot Temperature from device. Output: result (float) : 1K Pot Temperature in mK """'Read 1K Pot Temperature') result = self._execute('R2') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 1000 def _get_mix_chamber_temp(self): """ Get Mix Chamber Temperature Output: result (float) : Mix Chamber Temperature in mK """'Read Mix Chamber Temperature') result = self._execute('R3') return 1e-3 * float(result.replace('R', ''))
[docs] def set_mix_chamber_heater_mode(self, mode): """ 0 : off 1 : fixed heater power 2 : temperature control """'Setting Mix Chamber Power control') self._execute('A%i' % mode)
[docs] def set_mix_chamber_heater_power_range(self, mode): """ 1 : 2uW 2 : 20uW 3 : 200uW 4 : 2mW 5 : 20mW """'Setting Mix Chamber Power range') self._execute('E%i' % mode)
def _set_mix_chamber_temp(self, temperature): """ Temperature in kelvin Between 0 and 2K """ T = round(temperature / 0.1e-3)'Setting Mix Chamber Temperature') self._execute('T%i' % T) def _get_G1(self): """ Get the pressure indicated by G1 Output: result (float) : G1 pressure in mbar """'Read G1') result = self._execute('R14') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10 def _get_G2(self): """ Get the pressure indicated by G2 Output: result (float) : G2 pressure in mbar """'Read G2') result = self._execute('R15') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10 def _get_G3(self): """ Get the pressure indicated by G3 Output: result (float) : G3 pressure in mbar """'Read G3') result = self._execute('R16') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10 def _get_P1(self): """ Get the pressure indicated by P1 Output: result (float) : P1 pressure in mbar """'Read P1') result = self._execute('R20') return float(result.replace('R', '')) def _get_P2(self): """ Get the pressure indicated by P2 Output: result (float) : P2 pressure in mbar """'Read P2') result = self._execute('R21') return float(result.replace('R', '')) def _get_valve_status(self, valve): """ Return the status of the valve number "valve" where valve must be a number between 1 and 20 (self._map_valve) Output: 'On' or 'off' """ result = self._execute('X')[7:15] # change the hexadecimal number to a 20 bit string full_status = numpy.binary_repr(int(result, 16), width=20) # reverse the order of the binary string full_status = full_status[::-1] status = full_status[valve - 1] val_mapping = {0: 'off', 1: 'on'} return val_mapping[int(status)] def _set_valve_status(self, status, valve): """ Return the status of the valve number "valve" where valve must be a number between 1 and 20 (self._map_valve) status: 0 for off and 1 for on """ self.remote()'Setting valve %s status' % self._valve_map[valve]) self._execute('P%i' % (2 * valve + numpy.mod(status + 1, 2))) self.local() def _set_V6_valve(self, status): """ This set the opening of the stepper valve 6. Status should be a percentage. """ self.remote()'Setting valve 6 status') self._execute('G%i' % int(10 * status)) self.local() def _get_V6_valve(self): """ Return the opening of valve 6. Output: result(float): Opening of V6 valve in percent """ result = self._execute('R7') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10 def _set_V12A_valve(self, status): """ This set the opening of the stepper valve 12. Status should be a percentage. """ self.remote()'Setting valve V12A status') self._execute('H%i' % int(10 * status)) self.local() def _get_V12A_valve(self): """ Return the opening of valve V12A. Output: result(float): Opening of valve V12A in percent """ result = self._execute('R8') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10
[docs] def rotate_Nvalve(self, value): """ This set the opening of the stepper valve N. Status should be a percentage. """ self.remote()'Setting valve N status') value = int(value) if value < 1000: if value > -1: self._execute('N%i' % int(value)) self.local() else: print('Wrong value....') else: print('Wrong value....')
def _get_still_sorb_status(self): """Get the the still and sorb status O0 : both off O1 : Still ON, sorb OFF O2 : Still OFF, sorb on T control O3 : Still ON, sorb ON T control O4 : Still OFF, sorb on power control O5 : Still ON, sorb ON power control """ result = self._execute('X') result = result[17:19] return result def _set_still_sorb_status(self, status): """Get the the still and sorb status O0 : both off O1 : Still ON, sorb OFF O2 : Still OFF, sorb on T control O3 : Still ON, sorb ON T control O4 : Still OFF, sorb on power control O3 : Still ON, sorb ON power control """ self.remote()'Set still and sorb status') self._execute(status) self.local() def _get_still_status(self): """ get the status of the still (on/off)""" status = self._get_still_sorb_status() if (status == 'O0') | (status == 'O2') | (status == 'O4'): still_status = 0 else: still_status = 1 val_mapping = {0: 'off', 1: 'on'} return val_mapping[int(still_status)] def _get_sorb_status(self): """ get the status of the still (on/off)""" status = self._get_still_sorb_status() if (status == 'O0') | (status == 'O1'): sorb_status = 0 elif (status == 'O2') | (status == 'O3'): sorb_status = 1 elif (status == 'O4') | (status == 'O5'): sorb_status = 2 val_mapping = {0: 'off', 1: 'on T control', 2: 'on P control'} return val_mapping[sorb_status] def _get_still_power(self): """ get the power on the still"""'Read still power') result = self._execute('R5') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10 def _get_sorb_temp(self): """ get the temperature of the sorb"""'Read sorb temperature') result = self._execute('R1') return float(result.replace('R', '')) / 10 def _set_sorb_temp(self, temperature): """ Temperature in kelvin """ T = round(temperature / 0.1) status = self._get_still_sorb_status() self.remote() if (status == 'O0'): # turn the sorb ON self._set_still_sorb_status('O2') elif (status == 'O1'): # turn the sorb ON self._set_still_sorb_status('O3') elif (status == 'O2') | (status == 'O3'): # the sorb already on T control pass else: log.error('The sorb must be either OFF or on temperature control')'Setting sorb temperature') self._execute('K%i' % T) self.get_sorb_status() self.local() def _set_still_power(self, temperature): """ power in mW""" P = round(temperature / 0.1) status = self._get_still_sorb_status() self.remote() if (status == 'O0'): # turn the sorb ON self._set_still_sorb_status('O1') elif (status == 'O2'): # turn the sorb ON self._set_still_sorb_status('O3') elif (status == 'O4'): # the sorb already on T control self._set_still_sorb_status('O5') else: pass'Setting still power') self._execute('S%i' % P) self._get_still_status() self.local()