Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.OxfordInstruments.ILM200

# class, to perform the communication between the Wrapper and the device
# Copyright (c) 2017 QuTech (Delft)
# Code is available under the available under the `MIT open-source license <>`__
# Pieter Eendebak <>, 2017
# Takafumi Fujita <>, 2016
# Guenevere Prawiroatmodjo <>, 2009
# Pieter de Groot <>, 2009

from time import sleep
import pyvisa
import logging
from qcodes import VisaInstrument

[docs] class OxfordInstruments_ILM200(VisaInstrument): """ This is the qcodes driver for the Oxford Instruments ILM 200 Helium Level Meter. Usage: Initialize with <name> = instruments.create('name', 'OxfordInstruments_ILM200', address='<Instrument address>') <Instrument address> = ASRL4::INSTR Note: Since the ISOBUS allows for several instruments to be managed in parallel, the command which is sent to the device starts with '@n', where n is the ISOBUS instrument number. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, address, number=1, **kwargs): """ Initializes the Oxford Instruments ILM 200 Helium Level Meter. Args: name (str): name of the instrument address (str): instrument address number (int): ISOBUS instrument number (number=1 is specific to the ILM in F008) Returns: None """ logging.debug(__name__ + ' : Initializing instrument') super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) self.visa_handle.set_visa_attribute(pyvisa.constants.VI_ATTR_ASRL_STOP_BITS, pyvisa.constants.VI_ASRL_STOP_TWO) self._address = address self._number = number self._values = {} self.add_parameter('level', label='level', get_cmd=self._do_get_level, unit='%') self.add_parameter('status', get_cmd=self._do_get_status) self.add_parameter('rate', get_cmd=self._do_get_rate, set_cmd=self._do_set_rate) # a dummy command to avoid the initial error try: self.get_idn() sleep(70e-3) # wait for the device to be able to respond self._read() # to flush the buffer except Exception as ex: logging.debug(ex)
def _execute(self, message): """ Write a command to the device and read answer. This function writes to the buffer by adding the device number at the front, instead of 'ask'. Args: message (str) : write command for the device Returns: None """ __name__ + ' : Send the following command to the device: %s' % message) self.visa_handle.write('@%s%s' % (self._number, message)) sleep(70e-3) # wait for the device to be able to respond result = self._read() if result.find('?') >= 0: print("Error: Command %s not recognized" % message) else: return result def _read(self): """ Reads the total bytes in the buffer and outputs as a string. Args: None Returns: message (str) """ # because protocol has no termination chars the read reads the number # of bytes in the buffer bytes_in_buffer = self.visa_handle.bytes_in_buffer # a workaround for a timeout error in the pyvsia read_raw() function with(self.visa_handle.ignore_warning(pyvisa.constants.VI_SUCCESS_MAX_CNT)): mes = self.visa_handle.session, bytes_in_buffer) # cannot be done on same line for some reason mes = str(mes[0].decode()) return mes
[docs] def get_idn(self): """ Overrides the function of Instrument since ILM does not support `*IDN?` This string is supposed to be a comma-separated list of vendor, model, serial, and firmware, but semicolon and colon are also common separators so we accept them here as well. Returns: A dict containing vendor, model, serial, and firmware. """ try: idstr = '' # in case self.ask fails idstr = self._get_version().split() # form is supposed to be comma-separated, but we've seen # other separators occasionally idparts = [idstr[3] + ' ' + idstr[4], idstr[0], idstr[5], idstr[1] + ' ' + idstr[2]] # in case parts at the end are missing, fill in None if len(idparts) < 4: idparts += [None] * (4 - len(idparts)) except Exception as ex: logging.warn('Error getting or interpreting *IDN?: ' + repr(idstr)) logging.debug(ex) idparts = [None, None, None, None] return dict(zip(('vendor', 'model', 'serial', 'firmware'), idparts))
[docs] def get_all(self): """ Reads all implemented parameters from the instrument, and updates the wrapper. """ + ' : reading all settings from instrument') self.level.get() self.status.get() self.rate.get()
[docs] def close(self): """ Safely close connection """ + ' : Closing ILM200 connection') self.local() super().close()
# Functions: Monitor commands def _get_version(self): """ Identify the device Args: None Returns: identification (str): should be 'ILM200 Version 1.08 (c) OXFORD 1994\r' """ + ' : Identify the device') return self._execute('V') def _do_get_level(self): """ Get Helium level of channel 1. Args: None Returns: result (float) : Helium level """ + ' : Read level of channel 1') result = self._execute('R1') return float(result.replace("R", "")) / 10 def _do_get_status(self): """ Get status of the device. """ + ' : Get status of the device.') result = self._execute('X') usage = { 0: "Channel not in use", 1: "Channel used for Nitrogen level", 2: "Channel used for Helium Level (Normal pulsed operation)", 3: "Channel used for Helium Level (Continuous measurement)", 9: "Error on channel (Usually means probe unplugged)" } # current_flowing = { # 0 : "Curent not flowing in Helium Probe Wire", # 1 : "Curent not flowing in Helium Probe Wire" # } # auto_fill_status = { # 00 : "End Fill (Level > FULL)", # 01 : "Not Filling (Level < FULL, Level > FILL)", # 10 : "Filling (Level < FULL, Level > FILL)", # 11 : "Start Filling (Level < FILL)" # } return usage.get(int(result[1]), "Unknown") def _do_get_rate(self): """ Get helium meter channel 1 probe rate Input: None Output: rate(int) : 0 : "SLOW" 1 : "FAST" """ rate = { 1: "1 : Helium Probe in FAST rate", 0: "0 : Helium Probe in SLOW rate" } result = self._execute('X') return rate.get(int(format(int(result[5:7]), '08b')[6]), "Unknown")
[docs] def remote(self): """ Set control to remote & locked """ + ' : Set control to remote & locked') self.set_remote_status(1)
[docs] def local(self): """ Set control to local & locked """ + ' : Set control to local & locked') self.set_remote_status(0)
[docs] def set_remote_status(self, mode): """ Set remote control status. Args: mode(int) : 0 : "Local and locked", 1 : "Remote and locked", 2 : "Local and unlocked", 3 : "Remote and unlocked", Returns: None """ status = { 0: "Local and locked", 1: "Remote and locked", 2: "Local and unlocked", 3: "Remote and unlocked", } + ' : Setting remote control status to %s' % status.get(mode, "Unknown")) self._execute('C%s' % mode)
# Functions: Control commands (only recognised when in REMOTE control)
[docs] def set_to_slow(self): """ Set helium meter channel 1 to slow mode. """ self.set_remote_status(1) + ' : Setting Helium Probe in SLOW rate') self._execute('S1') self.set_remote_status(3)
[docs] def set_to_fast(self): """ Set helium meter channel 1 to fast mode. """ self.set_remote_status(1) + ' : Setting Helium Probe in FAST rate') self._execute('T1') self.set_remote_status(3)
def _do_set_rate(self, rate): """ Set helium meter channel 1 probe rate Args: rate(int) : 0 : "SLOW" 1 : "FAST" """ self.set_remote_status(1) if rate == 0: self.set_to_slow() elif rate == 1: self.set_to_fast() self.set_remote_status(3)