Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Minicircuits.ZTM

import math
from typing import Optional

from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes.instrument import ChannelList, InstrumentChannel, IPInstrument

[docs] class MiniCircuitsModule(InstrumentChannel): """ The `MiniCircuitsModule` class is a parent class for all the MiniCircuits modules. It provides the basic functionality for the modules. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name) self.module_address = module_address # Additional initialization code and parameters for individual modules go here @staticmethod def _parse_response(response: str) -> int: """ Parse the response string from the instrument to an integer. Args: response: response string from the instrument Returns: Parsed integer value """ return int(response.strip())
[docs] class SPDTModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `SPDTModule` class represents a single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of the SPDT switch. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=":SPDT:{}:STATE?".format(self.module_address), set_cmd=":SPDT:{}:STATE:{}".format(self.module_address, "{}"), get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(1, 2), docstring="State of the SPDT switch", )
[docs] class SP4TModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `SP4TModule` class represents a single-pole four-throw (SP4T) switch module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of the SP4T switch. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=":SP4T:{}:STATE?".format(self.module_address), set_cmd=":SP4T:{}:STATE:{}".format(self.module_address, "{}"), get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(0, 4), docstring="State of the SP4T switch", )
[docs] class SP6TModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `SP6TModule` class represents a single-pole six-throw (SP6T) switch module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of the SP6T switch. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=":SP6T:{}:STATE?".format(self.module_address), set_cmd=":SP6T:{}:STATE:{}".format(self.module_address, "{}"), get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(0, 6), docstring="State of the SP6T switch", )
[docs] class SP8TModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `SP8TModule` class represents a single-pole eight-throw (SP8T) switch module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of the SP8T switch. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=":SP8T:{}:STATE?".format(self.module_address), set_cmd=":SP8T:{}:STATE:{}".format(self.module_address, "{}"), get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(0, 8), docstring="State of the SP8T switch", )
[docs] class DualSPDTModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `DualSPDTModule` class represents a dual single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of both SPDT switches. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) for switch in ['A', 'B']: self.add_parameter( f"state_{switch}", get_cmd=f":SPDT:{self.module_address}{switch}:STATE?", set_cmd=f":SPDT:{self.module_address}{switch}:STATE:{{}}", get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(1, 2), docstring=f"State of the Dual SPDT switch {switch}", )
[docs] class MTSModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `MTSModule` class represents a multi-throw switch (MTS) module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of the MTS switch. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=":MTS:{}:STATE?".format(self.module_address), set_cmd=":MTS:{}:STATE:{}".format(self.module_address, "{}"), get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(1, 2), docstring="State of the MTS switch", )
[docs] class DualMTSModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `DualMTSModule` class represents a dual multi-throw switch (MTS) module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of both MTS switches. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) for switch in ['A', 'B']: self.add_parameter( f"state_{switch}", get_cmd=f":MTS:{self.module_address}{switch}:STATE?", set_cmd=f":MTS:{self.module_address}{switch}:STATE:{{}}", get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(1, 2), docstring=f"State of the Dual MTS switch {switch}", )
[docs] class AmplifierModule(MiniCircuitsModule): """ The `AmplifierModule` class represents an amplifier module. It provides the functionality to get and set the state of the amplifier. """ def __init__(self, parent: IPInstrument, name: str, module_address: int): super().__init__(parent, name, module_address) self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=f":AMP:{self.module_address}:STATE?", set_cmd=f":AMP:{self.module_address}:STATE:{{}}", get_parser=self._parse_response, vals=vals.Ints(0, 1), docstring="State of the amplifier", )
[docs] class MiniCircuitsModularSystem(IPInstrument): """ The `MiniCircuitsModularSystem` class represents a MiniCircuits modular system connected via ethernet. It provides the functionality to initialize the modules based on the configuration received from the instrument. Args: name: the name of the instrument address: ip address ie "" port: port to connect to default Telnet:23 Example: # Import the required module from qcodes.instrument_drivers.MiniCircuitsModularSystem import MiniCircuitsModularSystem # Initialize the MiniCircuitsModularSystem mini_circuits = MiniCircuitsModularSystem('MiniCircuits', '', 23) # Access the SP6T module sp6t_module = mini_circuits.module_1 # assuming the SP6T module is the first module # Set the state of the SP6T module sp6t_module.state(3) # set the state to 3 # Get the state of the SP6T module print(sp6t_module.state()) # prints the current state of the SP6T module # Access the DualMTSModule dual_mts_module = mini_circuits.module_2 # assuming the DualMTSModule is the second module # Set the state of the DualMTSModule dual_mts_module.state_A(1) # set the state of switch A to 1 dual_mts_module.state_B(2) # set the state of switch B to 2 # Get the state of the DualMTSModule print(dual_mts_module.state_A()) # prints the current state of switch A print(dual_mts_module.state_B()) # prints the current state of switch B # Access the AmplifierModule amplifier_module = mini_circuits.module_3 # assuming the AmplifierModule is the third module # Set the state of the AmplifierModule amplifier_module.state(1) # turn on the amplifier # Get the state of the AmplifierModule print(amplifier_module.state()) # prints the current state of the amplifier """ def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, port: int = 23): super().__init__(name, address, port) self.flush_connection() modules = ChannelList( self, "Modules", MiniCircuitsModule, snapshotable=False ) config = self.ask(":CONFIG:APP?") config = config.split("=")[1] print(config) module_codes = [int(code) for code in config.split(";")] module: MiniCircuitsModule # Declare module variable as MiniCircuitsModule type for i, module_code in enumerate(module_codes): if module_code == 1: module = SPDTModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 3: module = DualSPDTModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 4: module = SP4TModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 5 or module_code == 55: module = MTSModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 7 or module_code == 57: module = DualMTSModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 11 or module_code == 13: module = SP6TModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 12: module = SP8TModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) elif module_code == 20: module = AmplifierModule(self, f"module_{i+1}", i+1) else: print('Module type with a code {module_codes} is not implemented.') continue module = MiniCircuitsModule(self, f"module_{i}", i+1) modules.append(module) self.add_submodule(f"module_{i}", module) self.add_submodule("modules", modules.to_channel_tuple()) self.connect_message()