Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Lakeshore.Model_331

from qcodes import VisaInstrument, InstrumentChannel, ChannelList
from qcodes.utils.validators import Enum

[docs] class SensorChannel(InstrumentChannel): """ Channel class for the Lakeshore 331. Args: parent: The parent Lakeshore 331. name: The channel name. channel: The channel ID. Attributes: channel: The channel ID. """ _channel_values = Enum('A', 'B') def __init__(self, parent: "Model_331", name: str, channel: str): super().__init__(parent, name) # validate the channel value self._channel_values.validate(channel) = channel # add parameters self.add_parameter('temperature', get_cmd='KRDG? {}'.format(, get_parser=float, label='temperature {}'.format(, unit='K') self.add_parameter('sensor_raw', get_cmd='SRDG? {}'.format(, get_parser=float, label='sensor raw {}'.format(, unit=u"\u03A9") # TODO: this will vary based on sensor type self.add_parameter('sensor_status', get_cmd='RDGST? {}'.format(, val_mapping={ 'ok': 0, 'invalid reading': 1, 'temp underrange': 16, 'temp overrange': 32, 'sensor units zero': 64, 'temp overrange, sensor units zero': 96, 'Sensor Units Overrange': 128, 'temp underrange, sensor units overrange': 144}, label='sensor status {}'.format(
[docs] class Model_331(VisaInstrument): """ Instrument class for the Lakeshore 331. Args: name: The channel name. address: The GPIB address. """ _loop = 1 def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, address, terminator="\r\n", **kwargs) # add channels channels = ChannelList(self, "TempSensors", SensorChannel, snapshotable=False) for channel_id in ('A', 'B'): channel = SensorChannel(self, 'Chan{}'.format(channel_id), channel_id) channels.append(channel) self.add_submodule(channel_id, channel) channels.lock() self.add_submodule("channels", channels) # add parameters self.add_parameter('heater_output', get_cmd='HTR?', get_parser=float, label='heater output', unit='%') self.add_parameter('heater_range', get_cmd='RANGE?', get_parser=int, set_cmd='RANGE {}', val_mapping={ 'off': 0, '0.5W': 1, '5W': 2, '50W': 3}, label='heater range') self.add_parameter('input', get_cmd='CSET? %i' % self._loop, set_cmd='CSET ' + str(self._loop) + ',{},1,1,1', get_parser=lambda ans: ans[0], label='input') self.add_parameter('setpoint', get_cmd='SETP? '+str(self._loop), set_cmd='SETP ' + str(self._loop) + ', {}', get_parser=float, label='setpoint', unit='K') # print connect message self.connect_message()