import logging
from functools import partial
from threading import RLock
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict, Any
from qcodes import validators as validator
from .SD_Module import SD_Module, result_parser, keysightSD1, is_sd1_3x
from keysightSD1 import (
SD_Wave, SD_Waveshapes, SD_TriggerExternalSources, SD_FpgaTriggerDirection,
SD_TriggerPolarity, SD_SyncModes, SD_DigitalFilterModes
class SD_AWG(SD_Module):
This is the general SD_AWG driver class that implements shared parameters
and functionality among all PXIe-based AWG cards by Keysight. (series
M32xxA and M33xxA)
This driver was written to be inherited from by a specific AWG card
driver (e.g. M3201A).
This driver was written with the M3201A card in mind.
This driver makes use of the Python library provided by Keysight as part
of the SD1 Software package (v.2.01.00).
name: an identifier for this instrument, particularly for
attaching it to a Station.
chassis: identification of the chassis.
slot: slot of the module in the chassis.
channels: number of channels of the module.
triggers: number of triggers of the module.
legacy_channel_numbering: indicates whether legacy channel number
should be used. (Legacy numbering starts with channel 0)
def __init__(self, name: str, chassis: int, slot: int, channels: int,
triggers: int, legacy_channel_numbering: bool = True,
**kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name, chassis, slot,
module_class=keysightSD1.SD_AOU, **kwargs)
self.awg = self.SD_module
self.legacy_channel_numbering = legacy_channel_numbering
# Lock to avoid concurrent access of waveformLoad()/waveformReLoad()
self._lock = RLock()
# store card-specifics
self.channels: int = channels
self.triggers: int = triggers
# Open the device, using the specified chassis and slot number
awg_name = self.awg.getProductNameBySlot(chassis, slot)
result_parser(awg_name, f'getProductNameBySlot({chassis}, {slot})')
result_code = self.awg.openWithSlot(awg_name, chassis, slot)
result_parser(result_code, f'openWithSlot({awg_name}, {chassis},'
f' {slot})')
label='trigger io',
docstring='Trigger input value, 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON)',
vals=validator.Enum(0, 1))
label='clock frequency',
docstring='The real hardware clock frequency in Hz',
vals=validator.Numbers(100e6, 500e6))
label='clock sync frequency',
docstring='Frequency of the internal CLKsync in Hz')
for i in range(triggers):
pxi_trigger_offset = 0 if is_sd1_3x else 4000
label=f'pxi trigger number {i}',
pxi_trigger=(pxi_trigger_offset + i)),
pxi_trigger=(pxi_trigger_offset + i)),
docstring=f'The digital value of pxi trigger '
f'no. {i}, 0 (ON) of 1 (OFF)',
vals=validator.Enum(0, 1))
index_offset = 0 if legacy_channel_numbering else 1
for i in range(channels):
ch = i + index_offset
label=f'frequency channel {ch}',
docstring=f'The frequency of channel {ch}',
vals=validator.Numbers(0, 200e6))
label=f'phase channel {ch}',
docstring=f'The phase of channel {ch}',
vals=validator.Numbers(0, 360))
# TODO: validate the setting of amplitude and offset at the same time (-1.5<amp+offset<1.5)
label=f'amplitude channel {ch}',
docstring=f'The amplitude of channel {ch}',
vals=validator.Numbers(-1.5, 1.5))
label=f'offset channel {ch}',
docstring=f'The DC offset of channel {ch}',
vals=validator.Numbers(-1.5, 1.5))
label=f'wave shape channel {ch}',
docstring=f'The output waveform type of '
f'channel {ch}',
vals=validator.Enum(-1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8))
# initialize settings cache
cache: Dict[str,Dict[int,Optional[float]]] = dict()
for setting in ['offset', 'amplitude']:
cache[setting] = {(i+index_offset):None for i in range(4)}
self._settings_cache = cache
# Get-commands
def get_trigger_io(self, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
Reads and returns the trigger input
Trigger input value, 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON), or negative numbers for
value = self.awg.triggerIOread()
value_name = 'trigger_io'
return result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def get_clock_frequency(self, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
Returns the real hardware clock frequency (CLKsys)
real hardware clock frequency in Hz, or negative numbers for errors
value = self.awg.clockGetFrequency()
value_name = 'clock_frequency'
return result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def get_clock_sync_frequency(self, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
Returns the frequency of the internal CLKsync
frequency of the internal CLKsync in Hz, or negative numbers for
value = self.awg.clockGetSyncFrequency()
value_name = 'clock_sync_frequency'
return result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
# Set-commands
def set_clock_frequency(self, frequency: float,
verbose: bool = False) -> float:
Sets the module clock frequency
frequency: the frequency in Hz
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
the real frequency applied to the hardware in Hw, or negative
numbers for errors
set_frequency = self.awg.clockSetFrequency(frequency)
value_name = 'set_clock_frequency'
return result_parser(set_frequency, value_name, verbose)
def set_channel_frequency(self, frequency: int, channel_number: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the frequency for the specified channel.
The frequency is used for the periodic signals generated by the
Function Generators.
channel_number: output channel number
frequency: frequency in Hz
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.channelFrequency(channel_number, frequency)
value_name = f'set frequency channel {channel_number} to {frequency} Hz'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def set_channel_phase(self, phase: int, channel_number: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the phase for the specified channel.
channel_number: output channel number
phase: phase in degrees
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.channelPhase(channel_number, phase)
value_name = f'set phase channel {channel_number} to {phase} degrees'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def set_channel_amplitude(self, amplitude: float, channel_number: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the amplitude for the specified channel.
channel_number: output channel number
amplitude: amplitude in Volts
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
if self._settings_cache['amplitude'][channel_number] == amplitude:
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.channelAmplitude(channel_number, amplitude)
value_name = f'set amplitude channel {channel_number} to {amplitude} V'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
self._settings_cache['amplitude'][channel_number] = amplitude
def set_channel_offset(self, offset: float, channel_number: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the DC offset for the specified channel.
channel_number: output channel number
offset: DC offset in Volts
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
if self._settings_cache['offset'][channel_number] == offset:
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.channelOffset(channel_number, offset)
value_name = f'set offset channel {channel_number} to {offset} V'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
self._settings_cache['offset'][channel_number] = offset
def set_channel_wave_shape(self, wave_shape: int, channel_number: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets output waveform type for the specified channel.
HiZ : -1 (only available for M3202A)
No Signal : 0
Sinusoidal : 1
Triangular : 2
Square : 4
DC Voltage : 5
Arbitrary wf: 6
Partner Ch. : 8
channel_number: output channel number
wave_shape: wave shape type
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.channelWaveShape(channel_number, wave_shape)
value_name = f'set wave shape channel {channel_number} to {wave_shape}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def set_digital_filter_mode(self, filter_mode: SD_DigitalFilterModes) -> None:
Sets digital filter mode.
Note: AOU_FILTER_FIFTEEN_TAP is anti-ringing filter
def set_trigger_io(self, value: int, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the trigger output. The trigger must be configured as output using
value: Tigger output value: 0 (OFF), 1 (ON)
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
result = self.awg.triggerIOwrite(value)
value_name = f'set io trigger output to {value}'
result_parser(result, value_name, verbose)
def set_marker_config(self, channel_number: int, markerMode: int,
trgPXImask: int, trgIOmask: int, markerValue: int, syncMode: int, length: int,
delay: int) -> Any:
Configures the marker output from the trigger port
channel_number : trigger channel number
markerMode : 0 disabled, 1 on start event, 2 On first sample of waveform (after starting delay), 3 on every cycle
trgPXImask : Mask to select PXI triggers to use
trgIOmask : Mask to select front panel triggers to use
markerValue : 0 = marker signal is default low, pulses high. 1 = marker signal is default high, pulses low
syncMode : 0 = syncronized to CLKsys. 1 = syncronized to 10MHz clock
length : Marker pulse length (length * clock period * 5)
delay : Delay to add before pulse (delay * clock period * 5)
result = self.awg.AWGqueueMarkerConfig(
return result
# The methods below are useful for controlling the device, but are not
# used for setting or getting parameters
def off(self) -> None:
Stops the AWGs and sets the waveform of all channels to 'No Signal'
index_offset = 0 if self.legacy_channel_numbering else 1
for i in range(self.channels):
ch = i + index_offset
awg_response = self.awg.AWGstop(ch)
result_parser(awg_response, f'AWGstop({ch})')
channel_response = self.awg.channelWaveShape(ch, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_OFF)
result_parser(channel_response, f'channelWaveShape({ch}, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_OFF)')
def reset_clock_phase(self, trigger_behaviour: int, trigger_source: int,
skew: float = 0.0, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the module in a sync state, waiting for the first trigger to
reset the phase of the internal clocks CLKsync and CLKsys
trigger_behaviour: value indicating the trigger behaviour
Active High : 1
Active Low : 2
Rising Edge : 3
Falling Edge : 4
trigger_source: value indicating external trigger source
External I/O Trigger : 0
PXI Trigger [0..n] : 4000+n
skew: the skew between PXI_CLK10 and CLKsync in multiples of 10ns
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.clockResetPhase(trigger_behaviour,
trigger_source, skew)
value_name = f'reset_clock_phase trigger_behaviour:' \
f' {trigger_behaviour}, trigger_source:' \
f' {trigger_source}, skew: {skew}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def reset_channel_phase(self, channel_number: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Resets the accumulated phase of the selected channel. This
accumulated phase is the result of the phase continuous operation of
the product.
channel_number: the number of the channel to reset
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.channelPhaseReset(channel_number)
value_name = f'reset phase of channel {channel_number}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def reset_multiple_channel_phase(self, channel_mask: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Resets the accumulated phase of the selected channels simultaneously.
channel_mask: Mask to select the channel to reset (LSB is channel 0,
bit 1 is channel 1 etc.)
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
reset_multiple_channel_phase(5) would reset the phase of channel
0 and 2
value = self.awg.channelPhaseResetMultiple(channel_mask)
value_name = f'reset phase with channel mask {channel_mask}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def config_angle_modulation(self, channel_number: int,
modulation_type: int, deviation_gain: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Configures the modulation in frequency/phase for the selected channel
channel_number: the number of the channel to configure
modulation_type: the modulation type the AWG is used for
No Modulation : 0
Frequency Modulation : 1
Phase Modulation : 2
deviation_gain: gain for the modulating signal
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.modulationAngleConfig(channel_number, modulation_type,
value_name = f'configure angle modulation of' \
f' channel {channel_number} modulation_type: ' \
f'{modulation_type}, deviation_gain: {deviation_gain}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def config_amplitude_modulation(self, channel_number: int,
modulation_type: int, deviation_gain: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Configures the modulation in amplitude/offset for the selected channel
channel_number: the number of the channel to configure
modulation_type: the modulation type the AWG is used for
No Modulation : 0
Amplitude Modulation : 1
Offset Modulation : 2
deviation_gain: gain for the modulating signal
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.modulationAmplitudeConfig(channel_number,
value_name = f'configure amplitude modulation of channel' \
f' {channel_number} modulation_type: {modulation_type}, ' \
f'deviation_gain: {deviation_gain}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def set_iq_modulation(self, channel_number: int, enable: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Sets the IQ modulation for the selected channel
channel_number: the number of the channel to configure
enable: Enable (1) or Disable (0) the IQ modulation
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.modulationIQconfig(channel_number, enable)
status = 'Enabled (1)' if enable == 1 else 'Disabled (0)'
value_name = f'set IQ modulation for channel {channel_number} to ' \
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def config_clock_io(self, clock_config: int, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Configures the operation of the clock output connector (CLK)
clock_config: clock connector function
Disable : 0 (The CLK connector is disabled)
CLKref Output : 1 (A copy of the reference clock is
available at the CLK connector)
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.clockIOconfig(clock_config)
status = 'CLKref Output (1)' if clock_config == 1 else 'Disabled (0)'
value_name = f'configure clock output connector to {status}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def config_trigger_io(self, direction: int, sync_mode: int,
verbose: bool = False) -> None:
Configures the trigger connector/line direction and
synchronization/sampling method
direction: input (1) or output (0)
sync_mode: sampling/synchronization mode
Non-synchronized mode : 0 (trigger is sampled with
internal 100 Mhz clock)
Synchronized mode : 1 (trigger is sampled using CLK10)
verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode
value = self.awg.triggerIOconfig(direction, sync_mode)
status = 'input (1)' if direction == 1 else 'output (0)'
value_name = f'configure trigger io port to direction: {status}, ' \
f'sync_mode: {sync_mode}'
result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
# Waveform related functions
# AWG related functions
def awg_from_file(self, awg_number: int, waveform_file: str,
trigger_mode: int, start_delay: int, cycles: int,
prescaler: int, padding_mode: int = 0,
verbose: bool = False) -> int:
Provides a one-step method to load, queue and start a single waveform
in one of the module AWGs.
Loads a waveform from file.
awg_number: awg number where the waveform is queued
waveform_file: file containing the waveform points
trigger_mode: trigger method to launch the waveform
Auto : 0
Software/HVI : 1
Software/HVI (per cycle) : 5
External trigger : 2
External trigger (per cycle): 6
start_delay: defines the delay between trigger and wf launch
given in multiples of 10ns.
cycles: number of times the waveform is repeated once launched
zero = infinite repeats
prescaler: waveform prescaler value, to reduce eff. sampling rate
available onboard RAM in waveform points, or negative numbers for
# Lock to avoid concurrent access of waveformLoad()/waveformReLoad()
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.AWGFromFile(awg_number, waveform_file,
trigger_mode, start_delay, cycles,
prescaler, padding_mode)
value_name = 'AWG from file. available_RAM'
return result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def awg_from_array(self, awg_number: int, trigger_mode: int,
start_delay: int, cycles: int, prescaler: int,
waveform_type: int,
waveform_data_a: List[Union[int, float]],
waveform_data_b: Optional[
List[Union[int, float]]] = None,
padding_mode: int = 0, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
Provides a one-step method to load, queue and start a single waveform
in one of the module AWGs.
Loads a waveform from array.
awg_number: awg number where the waveform is queued
trigger_mode: trigger method to launch the waveform
Auto : 0
Software/HVI : 1
Software/HVI (per cycle) : 5
External trigger : 2
External trigger (per cycle): 6
start_delay: defines the delay between trigger and wf launch
given in multiples of 10ns.
cycles: number of times the waveform is repeated once launched
zero = infinite repeats
prescaler: waveform prescaler value, to reduce eff. sampling rate
waveform_type: waveform type
waveform_data_a: array with waveform points
waveform_data_b: array with waveform points, only for the waveforms
which have a second component
available onboard RAM in waveform points, or negative numbers for
# Lock to avoid concurrent access of waveformLoad()/waveformReLoad()
with self._lock:
value = self.awg.AWGfromArray(awg_number, trigger_mode, start_delay,
cycles, prescaler, waveform_type,
waveform_data_a, waveform_data_b,
value_name = 'AWG from file. available_RAM'
return result_parser(value, value_name, verbose)
def awg_queue_config(self, awg_number: int, mode: int) -> None:
Configures the cyclic mode of the queue. All waveforms must be
already queued in one of the AWGs
awg_number: awg number where the waveform is queued
mode: operation mode of the queue: One Shot (0), Cyclic (1)
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGqueueConfig(awg_number, mode)
result_parser(result, f'AWGqueueConfig({awg_number}, {mode})')
def awg_flush(self, awg_number: int) -> None:
Empties the queue of the selected AWG.
Waveforms are not removed from the onboard RAM.
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGflush(awg_number)
result_parser(result, f'AWGflush({awg_number})')
def awg_start(self, awg_number: int) -> None:
Starts the selected AWG from the beginning of its queue.
The generation will start immediately or when a trigger is received,
depending on the trigger selection of the first waveform in the queue
and provided that at least one waveform is queued in the AWG.
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGstart(awg_number)
result_parser(result, f'AWGstart({awg_number})')
def awg_start_multiple(self, awg_mask: int) -> None:
Starts the selected AWGs from the beginning of their queues.
The generation will start immediately or when a trigger is received,
depending on the trigger selection of the first waveform in their queues
and provided that at least one waveform is queued in these AWGs.
awg_mask: Mask to select the awgs to start (LSB is awg 0,
bit 1 is awg 1 etc.)
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGstartMultiple(awg_mask)
result_parser(result, f'AWGstartMultiple({awg_mask})')
def awg_pause(self, awg_number: int) -> None:
Pauses the selected AWG, leaving the last waveform point at the output,
and ignoring all incoming triggers.
The waveform generation can be resumed calling awg_resume
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGpause(awg_number)
result_parser(result, f'AWGpause({awg_number})')
def awg_pause_multiple(self, awg_mask: int) -> None:
Pauses the selected AWGs, leaving the last waveform point at the output,
and ignoring all incoming triggers.
The waveform generation can be resumed calling awg_resume_multiple
awg_mask: Mask to select the awgs to pause (LSB is awg 0,
bit 1 is awg 1 etc.)
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGpauseMultiple(awg_mask)
result_parser(result, f'AWGpauseMultiple({awg_mask})')
def awg_resume(self, awg_number: int) -> None:
Resumes the selected AWG, from the current position of the queue.
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGresume(awg_number)
result_parser(result, f'AWGresume({awg_number})')
def awg_resume_multiple(self, awg_mask: int) -> None:
Resumes the selected AWGs, from the current positions of their
respective queue.
awg_mask: Mask to select the awgs to resume (LSB is awg 0,
bit 1 is awg 1 etc.)
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGresumeMultiple(awg_mask)
result_parser(result, f'AWGresumeMultiple({awg_mask})')
def awg_stop(self, awg_number: int) -> None:
Stops the selected AWG, setting the output to zero and resetting the
AWG queue to its initial position.
All following incoming triggers are ignored.
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGstop(awg_number)
result_parser(result, f'AWGstop({awg_number})')
def awg_stop_multiple(self, awg_mask: int) -> None:
Stops the selected AWGs, setting their output to zero and resetting
their AWG queues to the initial positions.
All following incoming triggers are ignored.
awg_mask: Mask to select the awgs to stop (LSB is awg 0, bit 1 is
awg 1 etc.)
with self._lock:
result = self.awg.AWGstopMultiple(awg_mask)
result_parser(result, f'AWGstopMultiple({awg_mask})')
def awg_config_external_trigger(self, awg_number: int, external_source: int,
trigger_behaviour: int) -> None:
Configures the external triggers for the selected awg.
The external trigger is used in case the waveform is queued with th
external trigger mode option.
awg_number: awg number
external_source: value indicating external trigger source
External I/O Trigger : 0
PXI Trigger [0..n] : 4000+n
trigger_behaviour: value indicating the trigger behaviour
Active High : 1
Active Low : 2
Rising Edge : 3
Falling Edge : 4
result = self.awg.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(awg_number, external_source,
result_parser(result, f'AWGtriggerExternalConfig({awg_number})')
def awg_trigger(self, awg_number: int) -> None:
Triggers the selected AWG.
The waveform waiting in the current position of the queue is launched,
provided it is configured with VI/HVI Trigger.
result = self.awg.AWGtrigger(awg_number)
result_parser(result, f'AWGtrigger({awg_number})')
def awg_trigger_multiple(self, awg_mask: int) -> None:
Triggers the selected AWGs.
The waveform waiting in the current position of the queue is launched,
provided it is configured with VI/HVI Trigger.
awg_mask: Mask to select the awgs to be triggered (LSB is awg 0,
bit 1 is awg 1 etc.)
result = self.awg.AWGtriggerMultiple(awg_mask)
result_parser(result, f'AWGtriggerMultiple({awg_mask})')
def awg_is_running(self, channel: int) -> bool:
Returns True if awg on `channel` is running.
with self._lock:
return self.awg.AWGisRunning(channel)
# Functions related to creation of SD_Wave objects
def load_fpga_image(self, filename: str) -> None:
Loads specified image file in FPGA.
filename: name of image file to load
with self._lock:'loading fpga image "{filename}" ...')
super().load_fpga_image(filename)'loaded fpga image.')
def write_fpga(self, reg_name:str, value:int) -> None:
Writes a single 32-bit value to the specified FPGA register.
reg_name: name of register
value: 32-bit value
with self._lock:
reg = result_parser(self.awg.FPGAgetSandBoxRegister(reg_name),
def read_fpga(self, reg_name:str) -> int:
Reads a single 32-bit value from the specified FPGA register.
reg_name: name of register
32-bit register value
with self._lock:
reg = result_parser(self.awg.FPGAgetSandBoxRegister(reg_name),
if reg.Address > 2**24 or reg.Address < 0:
raise Exception(f'Register out of range: Reg {reg.Address:6} '
f'({reg.Length:6}) {reg_name}')
return reg.readRegisterInt32()
def write_fpga_array(self, reg_name:str, offset:int, data:List[int],
fixed_address:bool=False) -> None:
Writes a list of 32-bit values to the specified FPGA memory.
reg_name: name of memory
offset: offset in memory block
data: list of 32-bit values
if True all data will be written sequentially to address specified by offset,
else data will be written to consecutive addresses starting at offset
with self._lock:
reg = result_parser(self.awg.FPGAgetSandBoxRegister(reg_name),
offset, data,
if fixed_address else keysightSD1.SD_AddressingMode.AUTOINCREMENT,
def read_fpga_array(self, reg_name:str, offset:int, data_size:int,
fixed_address:bool=False) -> List[int]:
Reads a list of 32-bit values from the specified FPGA memory.
reg_name: name of memory
offset: offset in memory block
if True all data will be read sequentially from address specified by offset,
else data will be read from consecutive addresses starting at offset
list of 32-bit values
with self._lock:
reg = result_parser(self.awg.FPGAgetSandBoxRegister(reg_name),
data = result_parser(
offset, data_size,
if fixed_address else keysightSD1.SD_AddressingMode.AUTOINCREMENT,
return data
def config_fpga_trigger(self,
delay:int=0) -> None:
Configures external trigger for use in FPGA.
trigger: external trigger
direction: IN = (0), INOUT (1)
polarity: ACTIVE_LOW (0), ACTIVE_HIGH (1)
sync_mode: SYNC_NONE (0), SYNC_CLK10 (1)
delay: delay in steps of 5 ns.
with self._lock:
self.awg.FPGATriggerConfig(trigger, direction, polarity, sync_mode, delay),
def convert_sample_rate_to_prescaler(self, sample_rate: float) -> int:
prescaler: prescaler set to the awg.
if is_sd1_3x:
# 0 = 1000e6, 1 = 200e6, 2 = 100e6, 3=66.7e6
# round towards the lower prescaler, unless the value is close to the higher one (margin 0.5 ns)
prescaler = int(200e6/sample_rate + 0.1)
# 0 = 1000e6, 1 = 200e6, 2 = 50e6, 3=33.3e6
if sample_rate > 200e6:
prescaler = 0
elif sample_rate > 50e6:
prescaler = 1
# round towards the lower prescaler, unless the value is close to the higher one
prescaler = int(100e6/sample_rate + 0.1)
return prescaler
def convert_prescaler_to_sample_rate(self, prescaler: int) -> float:
prescaler: prescaler set to the awg.
sample_rate: effective sample rate the AWG will be running
if is_sd1_3x:
# 0 = 1000e6, 1 = 200e6, 2 = 100e6, 3=66.7e6
if prescaler == 0:
return 1e9
return 200e6/prescaler
# 0 = 1000e6, 1 = 200e6, 2 = 50e6, 3=33.3e6
if prescaler == 0:
return 1e9
if prescaler == 1:
return 200e6
return 100e6/prescaler