Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.erasynth

"""Driver for the ERASynth/ERASynth+/ERASynth++ signal generators.

Author: Victor Negîrneac,

For official instrument support visit:


This module provides the following drivers:

- :class:`qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.ERASynth <qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.erasynth.ERASynth>`,
- :class:`qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.ERASynthPlus <qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.erasynth.ERASynthPlus>`, and
- :class:`qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.ERASynthPlusPlus <qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments.erasynth.ERASynthPlusPlus>`.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Union, Tuple, Optional
import time
import json
import logging

from qcodes import validators
from qcodes.instrument import VisaInstrument
from qcodes.parameters import Parameter

    import pyvisa
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
    raise ModuleNotFoundError(
        "ERAInstrument drivers require the `pyvisa` package to be installed.\n"
        "Install it with `pip install pyvisa` and try again."
    ) from e

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BAUDRATE = 115200

_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING: Dict[str, str] = {
    # We will treat these differently when confirming the value
    # because the instrument replies with a sentence containing the value.
    # which is much faster than reading the full JSON
    # as fast as possible
    # "P0": "rfoutput",
    # "A": "amplitude",
    # "F": "frequency",
    "P1": "reference_int_ext",
    "P5": "reference_tcxo_ocxo",
    "MS": "modulation_on_off",
    "M2": "modulation_signal_waveform",
    "M1": "modulation_source",
    "M0": "modulation_type",
    "M3": "modulation_freq",
    "M5": "modulation_am_depth",
    "M4": "modulation_fm_deviation",
    "M6": "modulation_pulse_period",
    "M7": "modulation_pulse_width",
    "SS": "sweep_start_stop",
    "S0": "sweep_trigger",
    "S1": "sweep_start",
    "S2": "sweep_stop",
    "S3": "sweep_step",
    "S4": "sweep_dwell",
    "P9": "phase_noise_mode",
    "PEW": "wifi_mode",
    "PES0": "wifi_sta_ssid",
    "PEP0": "wifi_sta_password",
    "PES1": "wifi_ap_ssid",
    "PEP1": "wifi_ap_password",
    "PEI": "wifi_ip_address",
    "PEN": "wifi_subnet_address",
    "PEG": "wifi_gateway_address",
A mapping used to read back certain commands to ensure they have been set.
This is necessary due to non-deterministic communication times.

[docs] class ERASynthBase(VisaInstrument): r""" A Base class for the ERASynth/ERASynth+/ERASynth++ instruments. Example: .. code-block:: from qcodes import Instrument from qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.ERAInstruments import ERASynthPlus # list communication ports ERASynthPlus.print_pyvisa_resources() # Instantiate the instrument lo = ERASynthPlus("ERASynthPlus", 'ASRL/dev/cu.usbmodem14101::INSTR') # Turn off the output # print updated snapshot once to make sure the snapshot will be up-to-date # takes a few seconds lo.print_readable_snapshot(update=True) # Configure the local oscillator lo.ref_osc_source("int") # Use internal reference lo.frequency(4.7e9) lo.power(10) # Set the amplitude to 10 dBm lo.on() # Turn on the output .. seealso:: The raw serial commands can be found here: ``self.visa_handle`` can be used to interact directly with the serial pyvisa communication. """
[docs] @staticmethod def print_pyvisa_resources() -> None: """Utility to list all.""" resource_manager = pyvisa.ResourceManager() print(resource_manager.list_resources())
def _prep_communication(self): """Makes sure the instrument config is compatible with this driver.""" self.debug_messages_en(False) # Print less messages to improve communication self.wifi_off() # print less messages to improve communication
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs): """ Create an instance of the instrument. Args: name: Instrument name. address: Used to connect to the instrument. Run :meth:`.ERASynthBase.print_pyvisa_resources` to list available list. """ super().__init__(name=name, address=address, terminator="\r\n", **kwargs) # ############################################################################## # Standard LO parameters # ############################################################################## # NB `initial_value` is not used because that would make the initialization slow self.status = Parameter( name="status", instrument=self, val_mapping={False: "0", True: "1"}, get_cmd="RA:rfoutput", set_cmd=self._set_status, ) """Sets the output state (`True`/`False`).""" self.power = Parameter( name="power", instrument=self, label="Power", unit="dBm", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=-60.0, max_value=20.0), get_cmd="RA:amplitude", get_parser=float, set_parser=lambda power: f"{power:.2f}", set_cmd=self._set_power, ) """Signal power in dBm of the ERASynth signal, 'amplitude' in EraSynth docs.""" self.ref_osc_source = Parameter( name="ref_osc_source", instrument=self, val_mapping={"int": "0", "ext": "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['P1']}", set_cmd="P1{}", ) """ Set to external if a 10 MHz reference is connected to the REF input connector. """ # ############################################################################## # ERASynth specific parameters # ############################################################################## self.temperature = Parameter( name="temperature", instrument=self, label="Temperature", unit="\u00B0C", get_cmd="RD:temperature", ) """Temperature of the device.""" self.voltage = Parameter( name="voltage", instrument=self, label="Voltage", unit="V", get_cmd="RD:voltage", ) """The input voltage value from power input of the ERASynth.""" self.current = Parameter( name="current", instrument=self, label="Current", unit="V", get_cmd="RD:current", ) """The current value drawn by the ERASynth.""" self.embedded_version = Parameter( name="embedded_version", instrument=self, label="Embedded version", get_cmd="RD:em", ) """The firmware version of the ERASynth.""" self.wifi_rssi = Parameter( name="wifi_rssi", instrument=self, label="WiFi RSSI", get_cmd="RD:rssi", ) """The Wifi received signal power.""" self.pll_lmx1_status = Parameter( name="pll_lmx1_status", instrument=self, label="PLL LMX1 status", val_mapping={"locked": "1", "unlocked": "0"}, get_cmd="RD:lock_lmx1", ) """PLL lock status of LMX1.""" self.pll_lmx2_status = Parameter( name="pll_lmx2_status", instrument=self, label="PLL LMX2 status", val_mapping={"locked": "1", "unlocked": "0"}, get_cmd="RD:lock_lmx2", ) """PLL lock status of LMX2.""" self.pll_xtal_status = Parameter( name="pll_xtal_status", instrument=self, label="PLL XTAL status", val_mapping={"locked": "1", "unlocked": "0"}, get_cmd="RD:lock_xtal", ) """PLL lock status of XTAL.""" self.modulation_en = Parameter( name="modulation_en", instrument=self, val_mapping={False: "0", True: "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['MS']}", set_cmd="MS{}", ) """Modulation on/off.""" self.modulation_signal_waveform = Parameter( name="modulation_signal_waveform", instrument=self, val_mapping={"sine": "0", "triangle": "1", "ramp": "2", "square": "3"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M2']}", set_cmd="M2{}", ) """Internal modulation waveform.""" self.modulation_source = Parameter( name="modulation_source", instrument=self, val_mapping={"internal": "0", "external": "1", "microphone": "2"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M1']}", set_cmd="M1{}", ) """Modulation source.""" self.modulation_type = Parameter( name="modulation_type", instrument=self, val_mapping={ "narrowband_fm": "0", "wideband_fm": "1", "am": "2", "pulse": "3", }, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M0']}", set_cmd="M0{}", ) """Modulation type.""" self.modulation_freq = Parameter( name="modulation_freq", instrument=self, label="Modulation frequency", unit="Hz", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=20e9), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M3']}", get_parser=int, set_cmd="M3{}", set_parser=lambda freq: str(int(freq)), ) """Internal modulation frequency in Hz.""" self.modulation_am_depth = Parameter( name="modulation_am_depth", instrument=self, label="AM depth", unit="%", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=100), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M5']}", get_parser=int, set_cmd="M5{}", set_parser=lambda depth: str(int(depth)), ) """AM modulation depth.""" self.modulation_fm_deviation = Parameter( name="modulation_fm_deviation", instrument=self, label="FM deviation", unit="Hz", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=20e9), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M4']}", get_parser=int, set_cmd="M4{}", set_parser=lambda freq: str(int(freq)), ) """FM modulation deviation.""" self.modulation_pulse_period = Parameter( name="modulation_pulse_period", instrument=self, label="Pulse period", unit="s", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=1e-6, max_value=10), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M6']}", get_parser=lambda val: int(val) * 1e-6, set_cmd="M6{}", set_parser=lambda period: str(int(period * 1e6)), ) """Pulse period in seconds.""" self.modulation_pulse_width = Parameter( name="modulation_pulse_width", instrument=self, label="Pulse width", unit="s", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=1e-6, max_value=10), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['M7']}", get_parser=lambda val: int(val) * 1e-6, set_cmd="M7{}", set_parser=lambda period: str(int(period * 1e6)), ) """Pulse width in s.""" self.sweep_en = Parameter( name="sweep_en", instrument=self, val_mapping={False: "0", True: "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['SS']}", set_cmd="SS{}", ) """Sweep on/off.""" self.sweep_trigger = Parameter( name="sweep_trigger", instrument=self, val_mapping={"freerun": "0", "external": "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['S0']}", set_cmd="S0{}", ) """Sweep trigger freerun/external.""" self.sweep_dwell = Parameter( name="sweep_dwell", instrument=self, label="Sweep dwell", unit="s", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=1e-3, max_value=10), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['S4']}", get_parser=lambda val: int(val) * 1e-3, set_cmd="S4{}", set_parser=lambda period: str(int(period * 1e3)), ) """Sweep dwell time in s. Requires sweep_trigger('freerun').""" self.synthesizer_mode = Parameter( name="synthesizer_mode", instrument=self, val_mapping={"low_spurious": "0", "low_phase_noise": "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['P9']}", set_cmd="P9{}", ) """Synthesizer mode, low spurious/low phase noise.""" # WiFi control, NB initial_cache_value is used to avoid overriding these values self.wifi_mode = Parameter( name="wifi_mode", instrument=self, val_mapping={"station": "0", "hotspot": "1", "": ""}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PEW']}", set_cmd="PEW{}", ) """WiFi Mode, station/hotspot.""" self.wifi_station_ssid = Parameter( name="wifi_station_ssid", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PES0']}", set_cmd="PES0{}", ) """Sets network SSID for WiFi module.""" self.wifi_station_password = Parameter( name="wifi_station_password", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PEP0']}", set_cmd="PEP0{}", ) """Sets network password for WiFi module.""" self.wifi_hotspot_ssid = Parameter( name="wifi_hotspot_ssid", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PES1']}", set_cmd="PES1{}", ) """Sets hotspot SSID for WiFi module.""" self.wifi_hotspot_password = Parameter( name="wifi_hotspot_password", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PEP1']}", set_cmd="PEP1{}", ) """Sets hotspot password for WiFi module.""" self.wifi_ip_address = Parameter( name="wifi_ip_address", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PEI']}", set_cmd="PEI{}", ) """Sets IP address for WiFi module.""" self.wifi_subnet_address = Parameter( name="wifi_subnet_address", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PEN']}", set_cmd="PEN{}", ) """Sets Subnet mask for WiFi module.""" self.wifi_gateway_address = Parameter( name="wifi_gateway_address", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['PEG']}", set_cmd="PEG{}", ) """Sets default gateway for WiFi module.""" self.debug_messages_en = Parameter( name="debug_messages_en", instrument=self, vals=validators.Strings(), initial_cache_value=None, val_mapping={True: "1", False: "0"}, set_cmd="PD{}", ) """Enables/disables debug printing on the serial port.""" setattr(self.visa_handle, "baud_rate", BAUDRATE) self.timeout(10) # generous timeout to avoid disrupting measurements self.connect_message() self._prep_communication()
# ################################################################################## # Public methods # ################################################################################## # Standard LO methods
[docs] def on(self) -> None: """ Turns ON the RF output. """ self.status(True)
[docs] def off(self) -> None: """ Turns OFF the RF output. """ self.status(False)
# Custom communication
[docs] def get_idn(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: models = {"0": "ERASynth", "1": "ERASynth+", "2": "ERASynth++"} d_status = self.get_diagnostic_status() assert isinstance(d_status, Dict) return { "vendor": "ERA Instruments", "model": models[d_status["model"]], "serial": d_status["serial_number"], "firmware": d_status["em"], }
[docs] def clear_read_buffer(self) -> None: """ Clears the read buffer. The instrument often sends information we do not care about in this driver. This function discards the entire read buffer by reading it. """ bytes_in_buffer = lambda: getattr(self.visa_handle, "bytes_in_buffer") while bytes_in_buffer(): self.visa_handle.read_bytes(bytes_in_buffer())
[docs] def ask(self, cmd: str) -> str: """Writes a command to the communication channel of the instrument and return the response. Commands are prefixed with `">"` as required by the ERASynth. NB the read buffer is discarded before and after reading one line. """ self.clear_read_buffer() response = super().ask(f">{cmd}") self.clear_read_buffer() return response
[docs] def ask_raw(self, cmd: str) -> str: """ Detects special commands for which the `get_configuration` will be used. This makes it convenient to not implement individual getters for most commands. """ if cmd[1:].startswith("RA:"): response = self.get_configuration(cmd[1 + len("RA:") :]) elif cmd[1:].startswith("RD:"): response = self.get_diagnostic_status(cmd[1 + len("RD:") :]) else: response = super().ask_raw(cmd) assert isinstance(response, str) return response
[docs] def write(self, cmd: str) -> None: """Writes a command to the communication channel of the instrument. Commands are prefixed with `">"` as required by the ERASynth. NB the read buffer is discarded before and after reading one line. """ self.clear_read_buffer() super().write(f">{cmd}") self.clear_read_buffer()
[docs] def write_raw(self, cmd: str) -> None: """ For some commands we confirm that the value has been set correctly. This is only possible for configurations that can be retrieved from the instrument. """ is_readable_cmd = False for command in _CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING: if cmd[1:].startswith(command): is_readable_cmd = True break if is_readable_cmd: json_key = _CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING[command] cmd_arg = cmd[1 + len(command) :] while True: super().write_raw(cmd) self.clear_read_buffer() if self.get_configuration(json_key) == cmd_arg: break else: super().write_raw(cmd)
def _get_json(self, cmd: str, first_key: str) -> str: """ Sends command and reads result until the result looks like a JSON. """ timeout = 10 t_start = time.time() first_key = '{"' + first_key + '"' while True: read_line = self.ask(cmd) # Ensure the line contains the json if first_key in read_line and read_line[-1] == "}": break if time.time() > t_start + timeout: raise TimeoutError( f"Failed to query JSON within {timeout} s. " f"Command {cmd!r} failed." ) return "".join(["{", *read_line.split("{")[1:]]) # ERASynth specific methods
[docs] def get_configuration(self, par_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[Dict[str, str], str]: """ Returns the configuration JSON that contains all parameters. """ config_json = json.loads(self._get_json("RA", "rfoutput")) return config_json if par_name is None else config_json[par_name]
[docs] def get_diagnostic_status(self, par_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[Dict[str, str], str]: """ Returns the diagnostic JSON. """ config_json = json.loads(self._get_json("RD", "temperature")) return config_json if par_name is None else config_json[par_name]
[docs] def preset(self) -> None: """ Presets the device to known values. .. warning:: After the reset the output is set to power 0.0 dBm @ 1GHz! """ self.write("PP") self._prep_communication()
[docs] def factory_reset(self) -> None: """ Does factory reset on the device. """ self.write("PR") self._prep_communication()
[docs] def esp8266_upload_mode(self) -> None: """Sets the ESP8266 module in upload mode.""" self.write("U")
[docs] def wifi_on(self) -> None: """Turn ESP8266 WiFi module on.""" self.write("PE01")
[docs] def wifi_off(self) -> None: """Turn ESP8266 WiFi module off.""" self.write("PE00")
[docs] def run_self_test(self) -> None: """ Sets all settable parameters to different values. NB serves as self test of the instrument because setting readable parameters is done by setting and confirming the value. """ par_values = list(_SELF_TEST_LIST) if isinstance(self, (ERASynthPlus, ERASynthPlusPlus)): # Only ERASynth+ and ERASynth++ have this functionality par_values += [ ("reference_tcxo_ocxo", "tcxo"), ("reference_tcxo_ocxo", "ocxo"), ] num_tests = len(par_values) for i, (name, val) in enumerate(par_values): print(f"\r[{i+1:2d}/{num_tests}] Running...", end="") self.parameters[name].set(val) print("\nDone!")
# ################################################################################## # set commands # ################################################################################## def _set_and_confirm(self, cmd: str, cmd_arg: str, str_back: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Because for this command the instrument replies with a text containing the value, we make use of it to ensure we waited enough time for the changes to take effect. """ str_back = cmd_arg if str_back is None else str_back while True: read_line = self.ask(f"{cmd}{cmd_arg}") if str_back in read_line: break def _set_frequency(self, value: str) -> None: self._set_and_confirm(cmd="F", cmd_arg=value) def _set_power(self, value: str) -> None: self._set_and_confirm(cmd="A", cmd_arg=value) def _set_status(self, value: str) -> None: str_back = {"0": "OFF", "1": "ON"}[value] self._set_and_confirm(cmd="P0", cmd_arg=value, str_back=str_back)
def _mk_frequency(self, max_frequency: float) -> Parameter: frequency = Parameter( name="frequency", instrument=self, label="Frequency", unit="Hz", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=250e3, max_value=max_frequency), get_cmd="RA:frequency", get_parser=int, set_cmd=self._set_frequency, set_parser=lambda freq: str(int(freq)), ) frequency.__doc__ = "The RF Frequency in Hz." return frequency def _mk_sweep_start_frequency(self, max_frequency: float) -> Parameter: sweep_start_frequency = Parameter( name="sweep_start_frequency", instrument=self, label="Sweep start", unit="Hz", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=250e3, max_value=max_frequency), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['S1']}", get_parser=int, set_cmd="S1{}", set_parser=lambda freq: str(int(freq)), ) sweep_start_frequency.__doc__ = "Sweep start frequency in Hz." return sweep_start_frequency def _mk_sweep_stop_frequency(self, max_frequency: float) -> Parameter: sweep_stop_frequency = Parameter( name="sweep_stop_frequency", instrument=self, label="Sweep stop", unit="Hz", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=250e3, max_value=max_frequency), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['S2']}", get_parser=int, set_cmd="S2{}", set_parser=lambda freq: str(int(freq)), ) sweep_stop_frequency.__doc__ = "Sweep stop frequency in Hz." return sweep_stop_frequency def _mk_sweep_step_frequency(self, max_frequency: float) -> Parameter: sweep_step_frequency = Parameter( name="sweep_step_frequency", instrument=self, label="Sweep step", unit="Hz", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=max_frequency), get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['S3']}", get_parser=int, set_cmd="S3{}", set_parser=lambda freq: str(int(freq)), ) sweep_step_frequency.__doc__ = "Sweep step frequency in Hz." return sweep_step_frequency
[docs] class ERASynth(ERASynthBase): """ Driver for the ERASynth model instrument. For ERASynth+/ERASynth++ see :class:`.EraSynthPlus`/:class:`.EraSynthPlusPlus` classes. """ def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, address=address, **kwargs) self.frequency = _mk_frequency(self, max_frequency=6e9) self.sweep_start_frequency = _mk_sweep_start_frequency(self, max_frequency=6e9) self.sweep_stop_frequency = _mk_sweep_stop_frequency(self, max_frequency=6e9) self.sweep_step_frequency = _mk_sweep_step_frequency( self, max_frequency=6e9 - 250e3 ) self.reference_tcxo_ocxo = Parameter( name="reference_tcxo_ocxo", instrument=self, val_mapping={"tcxo": "0", "ocxo": "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['P5']}", ) """ NB not tested if this parameter is available for the ERASynth model (<6GHz)! """
[docs] class ERASynthPlus(ERASynthBase): """ Driver for the ERASynth+ model instrument. For ERASynth/ERASynth++ see :class:`.EraSynth`/:class:`.EraSynthPlusPlus` classes. """ def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, address=address, **kwargs) self.frequency = _mk_frequency(self, max_frequency=15e9) self.sweep_start_frequency = _mk_sweep_start_frequency(self, max_frequency=15e9) self.sweep_stop_frequency = _mk_sweep_stop_frequency(self, max_frequency=15e9) self.sweep_step_frequency = _mk_sweep_step_frequency( self, max_frequency=15e9 - 250e3 ) self.reference_tcxo_ocxo = Parameter( name="reference_tcxo_ocxo", instrument=self, val_mapping={"tcxo": "0", "ocxo": "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['P5']}", set_cmd="P5{}", ) """Chooses reference type."""
[docs] class ERASynthPlusPlus(ERASynthBase): """ Driver for the ERASynth++ model instrument. For ERASynth/ERASynth+ see :class:`.EraSynth`/:class:`.EraSynthPlus` classes. """ def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, address=address, **kwargs) self.frequency = _mk_frequency(self, max_frequency=20e9) self.sweep_start_frequency = _mk_sweep_start_frequency(self, max_frequency=20e9) self.sweep_stop_frequency = _mk_sweep_stop_frequency(self, max_frequency=20e9) self.sweep_step_frequency = _mk_sweep_step_frequency( self, max_frequency=20e9 - 250e3 ) self.reference_tcxo_ocxo = Parameter( name="reference_tcxo_ocxo", instrument=self, val_mapping={"tcxo": "0", "ocxo": "1"}, get_cmd=f"RA:{_CMD_TO_JSON_MAPPING['P5']}", set_cmd="P5{}", ) """Chooses reference type."""
_SELF_TEST_LIST: List[Tuple[str, Union[bool, float, int, str]]] = [ ("frequency", 3.3e9), ("modulation_am_depth", 30), ("modulation_fm_deviation", 1e3), ("modulation_freq", 2e3), ("modulation_pulse_period", 0.003), ("modulation_pulse_width", 0.002), ("power", 0.01), ("power", -0.01), ("sweep_dwell", 0.001), ("sweep_start_frequency", 2e9), ("sweep_step_frequency", 0.5e9), ("sweep_stop_frequency", 6e9), ("status", True), ("status", False), ("modulation_en", True), ("modulation_en", False), ("modulation_signal_waveform", "triangle"), ("modulation_signal_waveform", "ramp"), ("modulation_signal_waveform", "square"), ("modulation_signal_waveform", "sine"), ("modulation_source", "internal"), ("modulation_source", "external"), ("modulation_source", "microphone"), ("modulation_type", "narrowband_fm"), ("modulation_type", "am"), ("modulation_type", "pulse"), ("modulation_type", "wideband_fm"), ("ref_osc_source", "ext"), ("ref_osc_source", "int"), ("synthesizer_mode", "low_phase_noise"), ("synthesizer_mode", "low_spurious"), ("sweep_en", True), ("sweep_en", False), ("sweep_trigger", "freerun"), ("sweep_trigger", "external"), ("wifi_mode", "hotspot"), ("wifi_mode", "station"), ("wifi_station_ssid", "ERA_123"), ("wifi_station_ssid", "ERA"), ("wifi_station_password", "era1234"), ("wifi_station_password", "era19050"), ("wifi_hotspot_ssid", "ERA"), ("wifi_hotspot_ssid", "ERASynth"), ("wifi_hotspot_password", "erainstruments+"), ("wifi_hotspot_password", "erainstruments"), ("wifi_ip_address", ""), ("wifi_ip_address", ""), ("wifi_gateway_address", ""), ("wifi_gateway_address", ""), ("wifi_subnet_address", ""), ("wifi_subnet_address", ""), ] """ A list of `Tuple[<parameter_name, value>]` used for a self-test of the instrument. It is intended to check that read/write parameters are set correctly. """