Source code for qcodes_contrib_drivers.drivers.Agilent.Agilent_N9000A

# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
# Etienne Dumur <>, august 2020

from qcodes import VisaInstrument
from qcodes.utils.validators import Numbers

[docs] class Agilent_N9000A(VisaInstrument): """ This is the QCoDeS python driver for the Agilent CXA N9000A power spectrum analyzer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name : str, address : str, terminator : str="\n", **kwargs): r""" QCoDeS driver for the power spectrum analyzer Agilent N9000A. Args: name (str): Name of the instrument. address (str): Address of the instrument. terminator (str, optional, by default ``"\n"``): Terminator character of the string reply. """ super().__init__(name = name, address = address, terminator = terminator, **kwargs) self.add_function('reset', call_cmd='*RST') self.add_parameter(name = 'rf_center_frequency', unit = 'GHz', get_parser = float, set_cmd = ':sense:frequency:rf:center {} GHz', get_cmd = ':sense:frequency:rf:center?', docstring = 'The RF center frequency', vals = Numbers(9e-6, 3) ) self.add_parameter(name = 'video_bandwidth', unit = 'MHz', get_parser = float, set_cmd = ':sense:chpower:bandwidth:video {} MHz', get_cmd = ':sense:chpower:bandwidth:video?', docstring = 'The analyzer post-detection filter (VBW)' ) self.add_parameter(name = 'resolution_bandwidth', unit = 'MHz', get_parser = float, set_cmd = ':sense:chpower:bandwidth:resolution {} MHz', get_cmd = ':sense:chpower:bandwidth:resolution?', docstring = 'The resolution bandwidth' ) self.add_parameter(name = 'power', unit = 'dBm', get_parser = lambda val, output='power' : self.power_parser(val, output), get_cmd = ':initiate:chpower; :fetch:chpower?', docstring = 'Absolute power at the RF center frequency' ) self.add_parameter(name = 'power_spectral_density', unit = 'dBm/Hz', get_parser = lambda val, output='psd' : self.power_parser(val, output), get_cmd = ':initiate:chpower; :fetch:chpower?', docstring = 'Power Spectral Density at the RF center frequency' ) self.connect_message()
[docs] def power_parser(self, val: str, output: str) -> float: """ Parse the reply from a strin containing 'power, psd' to float depending of the output. Args: val (str): Reply of the power spectral analyzer. output (str): Desired output format. Returns: power or power spectral density (float): power in dBm. power spectral density in dBm/Hz. """ power, psd = val.split(',') if output=='power': return float(power) elif output=='psd': return float(psd) else: return 0.