Source code for broadbean.sequence

# this file defines the sequence object
# along with a few helpers
import json
import logging
import typing
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union, cast

import numpy as np
from schema import Optional, Or, Schema

from broadbean.blueprint import BluePrint
from broadbean.element import Element  # TODO: change import to
from broadbean.ripasso import applyInverseRCFilter

from .broadbean import (
    _channelListSorter,  # TODO: change import to

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

fs_schema = Schema(
        int: {
            "type": Or("subsequence", "element"),
            "content": {
                int: {
                    "data": {Or(str, int): {str: np.ndarray}},
                    Optional("sequencing"): {Optional(str): int},
            "sequencing": {Optional(str): int},

[docs] class SequencingError(Exception): pass
[docs] class SequenceConsistencyError(Exception): pass
[docs] class InvalidForgedSequenceError(Exception): pass
[docs] class SequenceCompatibilityError(Exception): pass
[docs] class SpecificationInconsistencyError(Exception): pass
[docs] class Sequence: """ Sequence object """ def __init__(self): """ Not much to see here... """ # the internal data structure, a dict with tuples as keys and values # the key is sequence position (int), the value is element (Element) # or subsequence (Sequence) self._data = {} # Here goes the sequencing info. Key: position # value: dict with keys 'twait', 'nrep', 'jump_input', # 'jump_target', 'goto' # # the sequencing is filled out automatically with default values # when an element is added # Note that not all output backends use all items in the list self._sequencing = {} # The dictionary to store AWG settings # Keys will include: # 'SR', 'channelX_amplitude', 'channelX_offset', 'channelX_filter' self._awgspecs = {} # The metainfo to be extracted by measurements # todo: I'm pretty sure this is obsolete now that description exists self._meta = {} # some backends (seqx files) allow for a sequence to have a name # we make the name a property of the sequence self._name = "" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Sequence): return False elif not self._data == other._data: return False elif not self._meta == other._meta: return False elif not self._awgspecs == other._awgspecs: return False elif not self._sequencing == other._sequencing: return False else: return True def __add__(self, other): """ Add two sequences. Return a new sequence with is the right argument appended to the left argument. """ # Validation if not self.checkConsistency(): raise SequenceConsistencyError("Left hand sequence inconsistent!") if not other.checkConsistency(): raise SequenceConsistencyError("Right hand sequence inconsistent!") if not self._awgspecs == other._awgspecs: raise SequenceCompatibilityError( "Incompatible sequences: different AWGspecifications." ) newseq = Sequence() N = len(self._data) newdata1 = {key: self.element(key).copy() for key in self._data.keys()} newdata2 = {key + N: other.element(key).copy() for key in other._data.keys()} newdata1.update(newdata2) newseq._data = newdata1 newsequencing1 = { key: self._sequencing[key].copy() for key in self._sequencing.keys() } newsequencing2 = dict() for key, item in other._sequencing.items(): newitem = item.copy() # update goto and jump according to new sequence length if newitem["goto"] > 0: newitem["goto"] += N if newitem["jump_target"] > 0: newitem["jump_target"] += N newsequencing2.update({key + N: newitem}) newsequencing1.update(newsequencing2) newseq._sequencing = newsequencing1 newseq._awgspecs = other._awgspecs.copy() return newseq
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the sequence. """ newseq = Sequence() newseq._data = deepcopy(self._data) newseq._meta = deepcopy(self._meta) newseq._awgspecs = deepcopy(self._awgspecs) newseq._sequencing = deepcopy(self._sequencing) return newseq
[docs] def setSequenceSettings(self, pos, wait, nreps, jump, goto): """ Set the sequence setting for the sequence element at pos. Args: pos (int): The sequence element (counting from 1) wait (int): The wait state specifying whether to wait for a trigger. 0: OFF, don't wait, 1: ON, wait. For some backends, additional integers are allowed to specify the trigger input. 0 always means off. nreps (int): Number of repetitions. 0 corresponds to infinite repetitions jump (int): Event jump target, the position of a sequence element. If 0, the event jump state is off. goto (int): Goto target, the position of a sequence element. 0 means next. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecation warning. This function is only compatible " "with AWG5014 output and will be removed. " "Please use the specific setSequencingXXX methods." ) # Validation (some validation 'postponed' and put in checkConsistency) # # Because of different compliances for different backends, # most validation of these settings is deferred and performed # in the outputForXXX methods self._sequencing[pos] = { "twait": wait, "nrep": nreps, "jump_target": jump, "goto": goto, "jump_input": 0, }
[docs] def setSequencingTriggerWait(self, pos: int, wait: int) -> None: """ Set the trigger wait for the sequence element at pos. For AWG 5014 out, this can be 0 or 1, For AWG 70000A output, this can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Args: pos: The sequence element (counting from 1) wait: The wait state/input depending on backend. """ self._sequencing[pos]["twait"] = wait
[docs] def setSequencingNumberOfRepetitions(self, pos: int, nrep: int) -> None: """ Set the number of repetitions for the sequence element at pos. Args: pos: The sequence element (counting from 1) nrep: The number of repetitions (0 means infinite) """ self._sequencing[pos]["nrep"] = nrep
[docs] def setSequencingEventInput(self, pos: int, jump_input: int) -> None: """ Set the event input for the sequence element at pos. This setting is ignored by the AWG 5014. Args: pos: The sequence element (counting from 1) jump_input: The input specifier, 0 for off, 1 for 'TrigA', 2 for 'TrigB', 3 for 'Internal'. """ self._sequencing[pos]["jump_input"] = jump_input
[docs] def setSequencingEventJumpTarget(self, pos: int, jump_target: int) -> None: """ Set the event jump target for the sequence element at pos. Args: pos: The sequence element (counting from 1) jump_target: The sequence element to jump to (counting from 1) """ self._sequencing[pos]["jump_target"] = jump_target
[docs] def setSequencingGoto(self, pos: int, goto: int) -> None: """ Set the goto target (which element to play after the current one ends) for the sequence element at pos. Args: pos: The sequence element (counting from 1) goto: The position of the element to play. 0 means 'next in line' """ self._sequencing[pos]["goto"] = goto
[docs] def setSR(self, SR): """ Set the sample rate for the sequence """ self._awgspecs["SR"] = SR
[docs] def setChannelVoltageRange(self, channel, ampl, offset): """ Assign the physical voltages of the channel. This is used when making output for .awg files. The corresponding parameters in the QCoDeS AWG5014 driver are called chXX_amp and chXX_offset. Please ensure that the channel in question is indeed in ampl/offset mode and not in high/low mode. Args: channel (int): The channel number ampl (float): The channel peak-to-peak amplitude (V) offset (float): The channel offset (V) """ warnings.warn( "Deprecation warning. This function is deprecated." " Use setChannelAmplitude and SetChannelOffset " "instead." ) keystr = f"channel{channel}_amplitude" self._awgspecs[keystr] = ampl keystr = f"channel{channel}_offset" self._awgspecs[keystr] = offset
[docs] def setChannelAmplitude(self, channel: Union[int, str], ampl: float) -> None: """ Assign the physical voltage amplitude of the channel. This is used when making output for real instruments. Args: channel: The channel number ampl: The channel peak-to-peak amplitude (V) """ keystr = f"channel{channel}_amplitude" self._awgspecs[keystr] = ampl
[docs] def setChannelOffset(self, channel: Union[int, str], offset: float) -> None: """ Assign the physical voltage offset of the channel. This is used by some backends when making output for real instruments Args: channel: The channel number/name offset: The channel offset (V) """ keystr = f"channel{channel}_offset" self._awgspecs[keystr] = offset
[docs] def setChannelDelay(self, channel: Union[int, str], delay: float) -> None: """ Assign a delay to a channel. This is used when making output for .awg files. Use the delay to compensate for cable length differences etc. Zeros are prepended to the waveforms to delay them and correspondingly appended to non (or less) delayed channels. Args: channel: The channel number/name delay: The required delay (s) Raises: ValueError: If a non-integer or non-non-negative channel number is given. """ self._awgspecs[f"channel{channel}_delay"] = delay
[docs] def setChannelFilterCompensation( self, channel: Union[str, int], kind: str, order: int = 1, f_cut: typing.Optional[float] = None, tau: typing.Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: """ Specify a filter to compensate for. The specified channel will get a compensation (pre-distorion) to compensate for the specified frequency filter. Just to be clear: the INVERSE transfer function of the one you specify is applied. Only compensation for simple RC-circuit type high pass and low pass is supported. Args: channel: The channel to apply this to. kind: Either 'LP' or 'HP' order: The order of the filter to compensate for. May be negative. Default: 1. f_cut: The cut_off frequency (Hz). tau): The time constant (s). Note that tau = 1/f_cut and that only one of the two can be specified. Raises: ValueError: If kind is not 'LP' or 'HP' ValueError: If order is not an int. SpecificationInconsistencyError: If both f_cut and tau are given. """ if kind not in ["HP", "LP"]: raise ValueError( 'Filter kind must either be "LP" (low pass) or "HP" (high pass).' ) if not isinstance(order, int): raise ValueError("Filter order must be an integer.") if (f_cut is not None) and (tau is not None): raise SpecificationInconsistencyError( "Can not specify BOTH a time constant and a cut-off frequency." ) keystr = f"channel{channel}_filtercompensation" self._awgspecs[keystr] = { "kind": kind, "order": order, "f_cut": f_cut, "tau": tau, }
[docs] def addElement(self, position: int, element: Element) -> None: """ Add an element to the sequence. Overwrites previous values. Args: position (int): The sequence position of the element (lowest: 1) element (Element): An element instance Raises: ValueError: If the element has inconsistent durations """ # Validation element.validateDurations() # make a new copy of the element newelement = element.copy() # Data mutation self._data.update({position: newelement}) # insert default sequencing settings self._sequencing[position] = { "twait": 0, "nrep": 1, "jump_input": 0, "jump_target": 0, "goto": 0, }
[docs] def addSubSequence(self, position: int, subsequence: "Sequence") -> None: """ Add a subsequence to the sequence. Overwrites anything previously assigned to this position. The subsequence can not contain any subsequences itself. Args: position: The sequence position (starting from 1) subsequence: The subsequence to add """ if not isinstance(subsequence, Sequence): raise ValueError( "Subsequence must be a sequence object. " "Received object of type " f"{type(subsequence)}." ) for elem in subsequence._data.values(): if isinstance(elem, Sequence): raise ValueError("Subsequences can not contain subsequences.") if subsequence.SR != self.SR: raise ValueError( "Subsequence SR does not match (main) sequence SR" f". ({subsequence.SR} and {self.SR})." ) self._data[position] = subsequence.copy() self._sequencing[position] = { "twait": 0, "nrep": 1, "jump_input": 0, "jump_target": 0, "goto": 0, }
[docs] def checkConsistency(self, verbose=False): """ Checks wether the sequence can be built, i.e. wether all elements have waveforms on the same channels and of the same length. """ # TODO: Give helpful info if the check fails try: self._awgspecs["SR"] except KeyError: raise KeyError("No sample rate specified. Can not perform check") # First check that all sample rates agree # Since all elements are validated on input, the SR exists SRs = [elem.SR for elem in self._data.values()] if SRs == []: # case of empty Sequence SRs = [None] if SRs.count(SRs[0]) != len(SRs): failmssg = "checkConsistency failed: inconsistent sample rates." if verbose: print(failmssg) return False # Then check that elements use the same channels specchans = [] for elem in self._data.values(): chans = _channelListSorter(elem.channels) specchans.append(chans) if specchans == []: # case of empty Sequence chans = None specchans = [None] if specchans.count(chans) != len(specchans): failmssg = ( "checkConsistency failed: different elements specify " "different channels" ) if verbose: print(failmssg) return False # TODO: must all elements have same length? Does any AWG require this? # Finally, check that all positions are filled positions = list(self._data.keys()) if positions == []: # case of empty Sequence positions = [1] if not positions == list(range(1, len(positions) + 1)): failmssg = ( "checkConsistency failed: inconsistent sequence" "positions. Must be 1, 2, 3, ..." ) if verbose: print(failmssg) return False # If all three tests pass... return True
@property def description(self): """ Return a dictionary fully describing the Sequence. """ desc = {} for pos, elem in self._data.items(): desc[str(pos)] = {} desc[str(pos)]["channels"] = elem.description try: sequencing = self._sequencing[pos] seqdict = { "Wait trigger": sequencing["twait"], "Repeat": sequencing["nrep"], "jump_input": sequencing["jump_input"], "jump_target": sequencing["jump_target"], "Go to": sequencing["goto"], } desc[str(pos)]["sequencing"] = seqdict except KeyError: desc[str(pos)]["sequencing"] = "Not set" desc["awgspecs"] = self._awgspecs return desc
[docs] def write_to_json(self, path_to_file: str) -> None: """ Writes sequences to JSON file Args: path_to_file: the path to the file to write to ex: path_to_file/sequense.json """ with open(path_to_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(self.description, fp, indent=4)
[docs] @classmethod def sequence_from_description(cls, seq_dict: dict) -> "Sequence": """ Returns a sequence from a description given as a dict Args: seq_dict: a dict in the same form as returned by Sequence.description """ awgspecs = seq_dict["awgspecs"] SR = awgspecs["SR"] elem_list = list(seq_dict.keys()) new_instance = cls() for ele in elem_list[:-1]: channels_list = list(seq_dict[ele]["channels"].keys()) elem = Element() for chan in channels_list: bp_sum = BluePrint.blueprint_from_description( seq_dict[ele]["channels"][chan] ) bp_sum.setSR(SR) elem.addBluePrint(int(chan), bp_sum) if "flags" in seq_dict[ele]["channels"][chan]: flags = seq_dict[ele]["channels"][chan]["flags"] elem.addFlags(int(chan), flags) ChannelAmplitude = awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_amplitude"] new_instance.setChannelAmplitude( int(chan), ChannelAmplitude ) # Call signature: channel, amplitude (peak-to-peak) ChannelOffset = awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_offset"] new_instance.setChannelOffset(int(chan), ChannelOffset) new_instance.addElement(int(ele), elem) sequencedict = seq_dict[ele]["sequencing"] new_instance.setSequencingTriggerWait( int(ele), sequencedict["Wait trigger"] ) new_instance.setSequencingNumberOfRepetitions( int(ele), sequencedict["Repeat"] ) new_instance.setSequencingEventInput(int(ele), sequencedict["jump_input"]) new_instance.setSequencingEventJumpTarget( int(ele), sequencedict["jump_target"] ) new_instance.setSequencingGoto(int(ele), sequencedict["Go to"]) new_instance.setSR(SR) return new_instance
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_json(cls, path_to_file: str) -> "Sequence": """ Reads sequense from JSON file Args: path_to_file: the path to the file to be read ex: path_to_file/sequense.json This function is the inverse of write_to_json The JSON file needs to be structured as if it was writen by the function write_to_json """ new_instance = cls() with open(path_to_file) as fp: data_loaded = json.load(fp) new_instance = Sequence.sequence_from_description(data_loaded) return new_instance
@property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, newname): if not isinstance(newname, str): raise ValueError("The sequence name must be a string") self._name = newname @property def length_sequenceelements(self): """ Returns the current number of specified sequence elements """ return len(self._data) @property def SR(self): """ Returns the sample rate, if defined. Else returns -1. """ try: SR = self._awgspecs["SR"] except KeyError: SR = -1 return SR @property def channels(self): """ Returns a list of the specified channels of the sequence """ if self.checkConsistency(): return self.element(1).channels else: raise SequenceConsistencyError( "Sequence not consistent. Can not figure out the channels." ) @property def points(self): """ Returns the number of points of the sequence, disregarding sequencing info (like repetitions). Useful for asserting upload times, i.e. the size of the built sequence. """ total = 0 for elem in self._data.values(): total += elem.points return total @property def duration(self) -> float: """ Returns the duration in seconds of the sequence. """ duration = 0.0 for pos, elem in self._data.items(): nrep = self._sequencing[pos]["nrep"] duration += nrep * elem.duration return duration
[docs] def element(self, pos): """ Returns the element at the given position. Changes made to the return value of this methods will apply to the sequence. If this is undesired, make a copy of the returned element using Element.copy Args: pos (int): The sequence position Raises: KeyError: If no element is specified at the given position """ try: elem = self._data[pos] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"No element specified at sequence position {pos}") return elem
@staticmethod def _plotSummary(seq: dict[int, dict]) -> dict[int, dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ Return a plotting summary of a subsequence. Args: seq: The 'content' value of a forged sequence where a subsequence resides Returns: A dict that looks like a forged element, but all waveforms are just two points, np.array([min, max]) """ output = {} # we assume correctness, all postions specify the same channels chans = seq[1]["data"].keys() minmax = dict(zip(chans, [(0, 0)] * len(chans))) for element in seq.values(): arr_dict = element["data"] for chan in chans: wfm = arr_dict[chan]["wfm"] if wfm.min() < minmax[chan][0]: minmax[chan] = (wfm.min(), minmax[chan][1]) if wfm.max() > minmax[chan][1]: minmax[chan] = (minmax[chan][0], wfm.max()) output[chan] = { "wfm": np.array(minmax[chan]), "m1": np.zeros(2), "m2": np.zeros(2), "time": np.linspace(0, 1, 2), } return output
[docs] def forge( self, apply_delays: bool = True, apply_filters: bool = True, includetime: bool = False, ) -> dict[int, dict]: """ Forge the sequence, applying all specified transformations (delays and ripasso filter corrections). Copies the data, so that the sequence is not modified by forging. Args: apply_delays: Whether to apply the assigned channel delays (if any) apply_filters: Whether to apply the assigned channel filters (if any) includetime: Whether to include the time axis and the segment durations (a list) with the arrays. Used for plotting. Returns: A nested dictionary holding the forged sequence. """ # Validation if not self.checkConsistency(): raise ValueError( "Can not generate output. Something is " "inconsistent. Please run " "checkConsistency(verbose=True) for more details" ) output: dict[int, dict] = {} channels = self.channels data = deepcopy(self._data) seqlen = len(data.keys()) # TODO: in this function, we iterate through the sequence three times # It is probably worth considering refactoring that into a single # iteration, although that may compromise readability # Apply channel delays. if apply_delays: delays = [] for chan in channels: try: delays.append(self._awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_delay"]) except KeyError: delays.append(0) for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): if isinstance(data[pos], Sequence): subseq = data[pos] for elem in subseq._data.values(): elem._applyDelays(delays) elif isinstance(data[pos], Element): data[pos]._applyDelays(delays) # forge arrays and form the output dict for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): output[pos] = {} output[pos]["sequencing"] = self._sequencing[pos] if isinstance(data[pos], Sequence): subseq = data[pos] output[pos]["type"] = "subsequence" output[pos]["content"] = {} for pos2 in range(1, subseq.length_sequenceelements + 1): output[pos]["content"][pos2] = {"data": {}, "sequencing": {}} elem = subseq.element(pos2) dictdata = elem.getArrays(includetime=includetime) output[pos]["content"][pos2]["data"] = dictdata seqing = subseq._sequencing[pos2] output[pos]["content"][pos2]["sequencing"] = seqing # TODO: update sequencing elif isinstance(data[pos], Element): elem = data[pos] output[pos]["type"] = "element" dictdata = elem.getArrays(includetime=includetime) output[pos]["content"] = {1: {"data": dictdata}} # apply filter corrections to forged arrays if apply_filters: for pos1 in range(1, seqlen + 1): thiselem = output[pos1]["content"] for pos2 in thiselem.keys(): data = thiselem[pos2]["data"] for channame in data.keys(): keystr = f"channel{channame}_filtercompensation" if keystr in self._awgspecs.keys(): kind = self._awgspecs[keystr]["kind"] order = self._awgspecs[keystr]["order"] f_cut = self._awgspecs[keystr]["f_cut"] tau = self._awgspecs[keystr]["tau"] if f_cut is None: f_cut = 1 / tau prefilter = data[channame]["wfm"] postfilter = applyInverseRCFilter( prefilter, self.SR, kind, f_cut, order, DCgain=1 ) ( output[pos1]["content"][pos2]["data"][channame]["wfm"] ) = postfilter return output
def _prepareForOutputting(self) -> list[dict[int, np.ndarray]]: """ The preparser for numerical output. Applies delay and ripasso corrections. Returns: A list of outputs of the Element's getArrays functions, i.e. a list of dictionaries with key position (int) and value an np.ndarray of array([wfm, m1, m2, time]), where the wfm values are still in V. The particular backend output function must rescale to the specific format it adheres to. """ # Validation if not self.checkConsistency(): raise ValueError( "Can not generate output. Something is " "inconsistent. Please run " "checkConsistency(verbose=True) for more details" ) # # channels = self.element(1).channels # all elements have ident. chans # We copy the data so that the state of the Sequence is left unaltered # by outputting for AWG data = deepcopy(self._data) seqlen = len(data.keys()) # check if sequencing information is specified for each element if not sorted(list(self._sequencing.keys())) == list(range(1, seqlen + 1)): raise ValueError( "Can not generate output for file; incorrect sequencer information." ) # Verify physical amplitude specifiations for chan in channels: ampkey = f"channel{chan}_amplitude" if ampkey not in self._awgspecs.keys(): raise KeyError( "No amplitude specified for channel {chan}. Can not continue." ) # Apply channel delays. delays = [] for chan in channels: try: delays.append(self._awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_delay"]) except KeyError: delays.append(0) maxdelay = max(delays) for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): for chanind, chan in enumerate(channels): element = data[pos] delay = delays[chanind] if "blueprint" in element._data[chan].keys(): blueprint = element._data[chan]["blueprint"] # prevent information about flags to be lost if "flags" in element._data[chan].keys(): flags = element._data[chan]["flags"] else: flags = None # update existing waituntils for segpos in range(len(blueprint._funlist)): if blueprint._funlist[segpos] == "waituntil": oldwait = blueprint._argslist[segpos][0] blueprint._argslist[segpos] = (oldwait + delay,) # insert delay before the waveform if delay > 0: blueprint.insertSegment(0, "waituntil", (delay,), "waituntil") # add zeros at the end if maxdelay - delay > 0: blueprint.insertSegment( -1, PulseAtoms.ramp, (0, 0), dur=maxdelay - delay ) # TODO: is the next line even needed? # If not, remove the code updating the flags below # and the one remembering them above element.addBluePrint(chan, blueprint) if flags is not None: element.addFlags(chan, flags) else: arrays = element._data[chan]["array"] for name, arr in arrays.items(): pre_wait = np.zeros(int(delay / self.SR)) post_wait = np.zeros(int((maxdelay - delay) / self.SR)) arrays[name] = np.concatenate((pre_wait, arr, post_wait)) # Now forge all the elements as specified elements = [] # the forged elements for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): elements.append(data[pos].getArrays()) # Now that the numerical arrays exist, we can apply filter compensation for chan in channels: keystr = f"channel{chan}_filtercompensation" if keystr in self._awgspecs.keys(): kind = self._awgspecs[keystr]["kind"] order = self._awgspecs[keystr]["order"] f_cut = self._awgspecs[keystr]["f_cut"] tau = self._awgspecs[keystr]["tau"] if f_cut is None: f_cut = 1 / tau for pos in range(seqlen): prefilter = elements[pos][chan]["wfm"] postfilter = applyInverseRCFilter( prefilter, self.SR, kind, f_cut, order, DCgain=1 ) elements[pos][chan]["wfm"] = postfilter return elements
[docs] def outputForSEQXFile( self, ) -> tuple[ list[int], list[int], list[int], list[int], list[int], list[list[np.ndarray]], list[float], str, ]: """ Generate a tuple matching the call signature of the QCoDeS AWG70000A driver's `makeSEQXFile` function. If channel delays have been specified, they are added to the ouput before exporting. The intended use of this function together with the QCoDeS driver is .. code:: python pkg = seq.outputForSEQXFile() seqx = awg70000A.makeSEQXFile(*pkg) Returns: A tuple holding (trig_waits, nreps, event_jumps, event_jump_to, go_to, wfms, amplitudes, seqname) """ # most of the footwork is done by the following function elements = self._prepareForOutputting() # _prepareForOutputting asserts that channel amplitudes and # full sequencing is specified seqlen = len(elements) # all elements have ident. chans since _prepareForOutputting # did not raise an exception channels = self.element(1).channels for chan in channels: offkey = f"channel{chan}_offset" if offkey in self._awgspecs.keys(): log.warning( "Found a specified offset for channel " f"{chan}, but .seqx files can't contain offset " "information. Will ignore the offset." "" ) # now check that the amplitudes are within the allowed limits # also verify that all waveforms are at least 2400 points # No rescaling because the driver's _makeWFMXBinaryData does # the rescaling amplitudes = [] for chan in channels: ampl = self._awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_amplitude"] amplitudes.append(ampl) if len(amplitudes) == 1: amplitudes.append(0) for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): element = elements[pos - 1] for chan in channels: ampl = self._awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_amplitude"] wfm = element[chan]["wfm"] # check the waveform length if len(wfm) < 2400: raise ValueError( "Waveform too short on channel " f"{chan} at step {pos}; only {len(wfm)} points. " "The required minimum is 2400 points." "" ) # check whether the waveform voltages can be realised if wfm.max() > ampl / 2: raise ValueError( "Waveform voltages exceed channel range " f"on channel {chan}" f" sequence element {pos}." f" {wfm.max()} > {ampl/2}!" ) if wfm.min() < -ampl / 2: raise ValueError( "Waveform voltages exceed channel range " f"on channel {chan}" f" sequence element {pos}. " f"{wfm.min()} < {-ampl/2}!" ) element[chan]["wfm"] = wfm elements[pos - 1] = element # Finally cast the lists into the shapes required by the AWG driver waveforms = cast(list[list[np.ndarray]], [[] for dummy in range(len(channels))]) nreps = [] trig_waits = [] gotos = [] jump_states = [] jump_tos = [] # Since sequencing options are valid/invalid differently for # different backends, we make the validation here for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): for chanind, chan in enumerate(channels): wfm = elements[pos - 1][chan]["wfm"] m1 = elements[pos - 1][chan]["m1"] m2 = elements[pos - 1][chan]["m2"] waveforms[chanind].append(np.array([wfm, m1, m2])) twait = self._sequencing[pos]["twait"] nrep = self._sequencing[pos]["nrep"] jump_to = self._sequencing[pos]["jump_target"] jump_state = self._sequencing[pos]["jump_input"] goto = self._sequencing[pos]["goto"] if twait not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise SequencingError( "Invalid trigger input at position" f"{pos}: {twait}. Must be 0, 1, 2, or 3." "" ) if jump_state not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise SequencingError( "Invalid event jump input at position" f"{pos}: {twait}. Must be either 0, 1, 2, or 3." "" ) if nrep not in range(0, 16384): raise SequencingError( "Invalid number of repetions at position" f"{pos}: {nrep}. Must be either 0 (infinite) " "or 1-16,383." ) if jump_to not in range(-1, seqlen + 1): raise SequencingError( "Invalid event jump target at position" f"{pos}: {jump_to}. Must be either -1 (next)," f" 0 (off), or 1-{seqlen}." "" ) if goto not in range(0, seqlen + 1): raise SequencingError( "Invalid goto target at position" f"{pos}: {goto}. Must be either 0 (next)," f" or 1-{seqlen}." "" ) trig_waits.append(twait) nreps.append(nrep) jump_tos.append(jump_to) jump_states.append(jump_state) gotos.append(goto) return ( trig_waits, nreps, jump_states, jump_tos, gotos, waveforms, amplitudes,, )
[docs] def outputForSEQXFileWithFlags( self, ) -> tuple[ list[int], list[int], list[int], list[int], list[int], list[list[np.ndarray]], list[float], str, list[list[list[int]]], ]: """ Generate a tuple matching the call signature of the QCoDeS AWG70000A driver's `makeSEQXFile` function. Same as outputForSEQXFile(), but also includes information about the flags. Returns: A tuple holding (trig_waits, nreps, event_jumps, event_jump_to, go_to, wfms, amplitudes, seqname, flags) """ elements = self._prepareForOutputting() seqlen = len(elements) channels = self.element(1).channels # add flags for every element and channel all_flags = [] for chanind, chan in enumerate(channels): flags_pos = [] for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): if "flags" in elements[pos - 1][chan]: flags = elements[pos - 1][chan]["flags"].tolist() else: flags = [0, 0, 0, 0] flags_pos.append(flags) all_flags.append(flags_pos) return self.outputForSEQXFile() + (all_flags,)
[docs] def outputForAWGFile(self): """ Returns a sliceable object with items matching the call signature of the 'make_*_awg_file' functions of the QCoDeS AWG5014 driver. One may then construct an awg file as follows (assuming that seq is the sequence object): .. code:: python package = seq.outputForAWGFile() make_awg_file(*package[:], **kwargs) """ elements = self._prepareForOutputting() seqlen = len(elements) # all elements have ident. chans since _prepareForOutputting # did not raise an exception channels = self.element(1).channels for chan in channels: offkey = f"channel{chan}_offset" if offkey not in self._awgspecs.keys(): raise ValueError( f"No specified offset for channel {chan}, can not continue." ) # Apply channel scaling # We must rescale to the interval -1, 1 where 1 is ampl/2+off and -1 is # -ampl/2+off. # def rescaler(val, ampl, off): return val / ampl * 2 - off for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): element = elements[pos - 1] for chan in channels: ampl = self._awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_amplitude"] off = self._awgspecs[f"channel{chan}_offset"] wfm = element[chan]["wfm"] # check whether the waveform voltages can be realised if wfm.max() > ampl / 2 + off: raise ValueError( "Waveform voltages exceed channel range " f"on channel {chan}" f" sequence element {pos}." f" {wfm.max()} > {ampl/2+off}!" ) if wfm.min() < -ampl / 2 + off: raise ValueError( "Waveform voltages exceed channel range " f"on channel {chan}" f" sequence element {pos}. " f"{wfm.min()} < {-ampl/2+off}!" ) wfm = rescaler(wfm, ampl, off) element[chan]["wfm"] = wfm elements[pos - 1] = element # Finally cast the lists into the shapes required by the AWG driver waveforms = [[] for dummy in range(len(channels))] m1s = [[] for dummy in range(len(channels))] m2s = [[] for dummy in range(len(channels))] nreps = [] trig_waits = [] gotos = [] jump_tos = [] # Since sequencing options are valid/invalid differently for # different backends, we make the validation here for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): for chanind, chan in enumerate(channels): waveforms[chanind].append(elements[pos - 1][chan]["wfm"]) m1s[chanind].append(elements[pos - 1][chan]["m1"]) m2s[chanind].append(elements[pos - 1][chan]["m2"]) twait = self._sequencing[pos]["twait"] nrep = self._sequencing[pos]["nrep"] jump_to = self._sequencing[pos]["jump_target"] goto = self._sequencing[pos]["goto"] if twait not in [0, 1]: raise SequencingError( "Invalid trigger wait state at position" f"{pos}: {twait}. Must be either 0 or 1." "" ) if nrep not in range(0, 65537): raise SequencingError( "Invalid number of repetions at position" f"{pos}: {nrep}. Must be either 0 (infinite) " "or 1-65,536." ) if jump_to not in range(-1, seqlen + 1): raise SequencingError( "Invalid event jump target at position" f"{pos}: {jump_to}. Must be either -1 (next)," f" 0 (off), or 1-{seqlen}." "" ) if goto not in range(0, seqlen + 1): raise SequencingError( "Invalid goto target at position" f"{pos}: {goto}. Must be either 0 (next)," f" or 1-{seqlen}." "" ) trig_waits.append(twait) nreps.append(nrep) jump_tos.append(jump_to) gotos.append(goto) # ...and make a sliceable object out of them output = _AWGOutput( (waveforms, m1s, m2s, nreps, trig_waits, gotos, jump_tos), self.channels ) return output