Read and Write from JSON file Tutorial

%matplotlib nbagg
import matplotlib as mpl

import broadbean as bb
from broadbean.plotting import plotter

mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 3)
mpl.rcParams["figure.subplot.bottom"] = 0.15

Read and Write BluePrint from JSON file Tutorial

Building a BluePrint

# The pulsebuilding module comes with a (small) collection of functions appropriate for being segments.
ramp = bb.PulseAtoms.ramp  # args: start, stop

# Create the blueprints
bp_square = bb.BluePrint()
bp_square.insertSegment(0, ramp, (0, 0), dur=100e-9)
bp_square.insertSegment(1, ramp, (1e-3, 1e-3), name="top", dur=100e-9)
bp_square.insertSegment(2, ramp, (0, 0), dur=100e-9)
bp_boxes = bp_square + bp_square

Writing the BluePrint to a file


Reading the BluePrint back from the file

bp_boxes_read = bb.BluePrint.init_from_json("blue.json")
)  # note the blueprint readback do not have a sample rate attached

Test if the BluePrints are identical

print(bp_boxes == bp_boxes_read)

Read and Write Element from JSON file Tutorial

Note only works if the Element is generated from BluePrints not if the Elements contains part generated directly form a numpy array

# The pulsebuilding module comes with a (small) collection of functions appropriate for being segments.
ramp = bb.PulseAtoms.ramp  # args: start, stop
sine = bb.PulseAtoms.sine  # args: freq, ampl, off, phase
seq1 = bb.Sequence()

# We fill up the sequence by adding elements at different sequence positions.
# A valid sequence is filled from 1 to N with NO HOLES, i.e. if position 4 is filled, so must be position 1, 2, and 3

# Make blueprints, make elements

# Create the blueprints
bp_square = bb.BluePrint()
bp_square.insertSegment(0, ramp, (0, 0), dur=100e-9)
bp_square.insertSegment(1, ramp, (1e-3, 1e-3), name="top", dur=100e-9)
bp_square.insertSegment(2, ramp, (0, 0), dur=100e-9)
bp_boxes = bp_square + bp_square
bp_sine = bb.BluePrint()
bp_sine.insertSegment(0, sine, (3.333e6, 1.5e-3, 0, 0), dur=300e-9)
bp_sineandboxes = bp_sine + bp_square

    "ramp", (-0.0, 100e-9), 1
)  # segment name, (delay, duration), markerID
    "sine", (-0.0, 100e-9), 2
)  # segment name, (delay, duration), markerID
# make marker 2 go ON halfway through the sine
# bp_rtm.setSegmentMarker('mysine', (0.75, 0.1), 2)

# create elements
elem1 = bb.Element()
elem1.addBluePrint(1, bp_boxes)
elem1.addBluePrint(3, bp_sineandboxes)

Writing the Element to a file


Reading the Element back from the file

elem_read = bb.Element.init_from_json("elem.json")

Test if the Element.description are identical

    elem1.description == elem_read.description
)  ## note that the elements are not identical only the discription

Read and Write Sequence from JSON file Tutorial

Note only works if the Element is generated from BluePrints not if the Elements contains part generated directly form a numpy array

# The pulsebuilding module comes with a (small) collection of functions appropriate for being segments.
ramp = bb.PulseAtoms.ramp  # args: start, stop
sine = bb.PulseAtoms.sine  # args: freq, ampl, off, phase
seq1 = bb.Sequence()

# We fill up the sequence by adding elements at different sequence positions.
# A valid sequence is filled from 1 to N with NO HOLES, i.e. if position 4 is filled, so must be position 1, 2, and 3

# Make blueprints, make elements

# Create the blueprints
bp_square = bb.BluePrint()
bp_square.insertSegment(0, ramp, (0, 0), dur=100e-9)
bp_square.insertSegment(1, ramp, (1e-3, 1e-3), name="top", dur=100e-9)
bp_square.insertSegment(2, ramp, (0, 0), dur=100e-9)
bp_boxes = bp_square + bp_square
bp_sine = bb.BluePrint()
bp_sine.insertSegment(0, sine, (3.333e6, 1.5e-3, 0, 0), dur=300e-9)
bp_sineandboxes = bp_sine + bp_square

    "ramp", (-0.0, 100e-9), 1
)  # segment name, (delay, duration), markerID
    "sine", (-0.0, 100e-9), 2
)  # segment name, (delay, duration), markerID
# make marker 2 go ON halfway through the sine
# bp_rtm.setSegmentMarker('mysine', (0.75, 0.1), 2)

# create elements
elem1 = bb.Element()
elem1.addBluePrint(1, bp_boxes)
elem1.addBluePrint(3, bp_sineandboxes)
elem2 = bb.Element()
elem2.addBluePrint(3, bp_boxes)
elem2.addBluePrint(1, bp_sineandboxes)

# Fill up the sequence
seq1.addElement(1, elem1)  # Call signature: seq. pos., element
seq1.addElement(2, elem2)
seq1.addElement(3, elem1)

# set its sample rate

seq1.setChannelAmplitude(1, 10e-3)  # Call signature: channel, amplitude (peak-to-peak)
seq1.setChannelOffset(1, 0)
seq1.setChannelAmplitude(3, 10e-3)
seq1.setChannelOffset(3, 0)

# Here we repeat each element twice and then proceed to the next, wrapping over at the end
seq1.setSequencingTriggerWait(1, 0)
seq1.setSequencingNumberOfRepetitions(1, 2)
seq1.setSequencingEventJumpTarget(1, 0)
seq1.setSequencingGoto(1, 2)
seq1.setSequencingTriggerWait(2, 0)
seq1.setSequencingNumberOfRepetitions(2, 2)
seq1.setSequencingEventJumpTarget(2, 0)
seq1.setSequencingGoto(2, 3)
seq1.setSequencingTriggerWait(3, 0)
seq1.setSequencingNumberOfRepetitions(3, 2)
seq1.setSequencingEventJumpTarget(3, 0)
seq1.setSequencingGoto(3, 1)

Writing the Sequence to a file


Reading the Sequence back from the file

seq = bb.Sequence.init_from_json("testdata.json")

Test if the Sequences are identical

print(seq == seq1)


Example of how read and write blueprint from/to Sequence json file if needed.

def readblueprint(path: str, element: int = 1, channel: int = 1):
    tempseq = bb.Sequence.init_from_json(path)
    return tempseq.element(element)._data[channel]["blueprint"]
def writeblueprint(
    blueprint, path: str, SR: float = 1e9, SeqAmp: float = 10e-3, SeqOffset: float = 0
):  # -> None
    if blueprint.SR is None:
    elemtmp = bb.Element()
    seqtmp = bb.Sequence()
    elemtmp.addBluePrint(1, blueprint)
    seqtmp.addElement(1, elemtmp)
    seqtmp.setChannelAmplitude(1, SeqAmp)
    seqtmp.setChannelOffset(1, 0)
writeblueprint(bp_boxes, "boxes.json")
bp_one_two = readblueprint("testdata.json", element=2, channel=1)
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