Source code for broadbean.plotting

# A little helper module for plotting of broadbean objects

from typing import Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from broadbean import BluePrint, Element, Sequence
from broadbean.sequence import SequenceConsistencyError

# The object we can/want to plot
BBObject = Union[Sequence, BluePrint, Element]

[docs] def getSIScalingAndPrefix(minmax: tuple[float, float]) -> tuple[float, str]: """ Return the scaling exponent and unit prefix. E.g. (-2e-3, 1e-6) will return (1e3, 'm') Args: minmax: The (min, max) value of the signal Returns: A tuple of the scaling (inverse of the prefix) and the prefix string. """ v_max: float = max(map(abs, minmax)) if v_max == 0: v_max = 1 exponent = np.log10(v_max) prefix = "" scaling: float = 1 if exponent < 0: prefix = "m" scaling = 1e3 if exponent < -3: prefix = "micro " scaling = 1e6 if exponent < -6: prefix = "n" scaling = 1e9 return (scaling, prefix)
def _plot_object_validator(obj_to_plot: BBObject) -> None: """ Validate the object """ if isinstance(obj_to_plot, Sequence): proceed = obj_to_plot.checkConsistency(verbose=True) if not proceed: raise SequenceConsistencyError elif isinstance(obj_to_plot, Element): obj_to_plot.validateDurations() elif isinstance(obj_to_plot, BluePrint): assert obj_to_plot.SR is not None def _plot_object_forger(obj_to_plot: BBObject, **forger_kwargs) -> dict[int, dict]: """ Make a forged sequence out of any object. Returns a forged sequence. """ if isinstance(obj_to_plot, BluePrint): elem = Element() elem.addBluePrint(1, obj_to_plot) seq = Sequence() seq.addElement(1, elem) seq.setSR(obj_to_plot.SR) elif isinstance(obj_to_plot, Element): seq = Sequence() seq.addElement(1, obj_to_plot) seq.setSR(obj_to_plot._meta["SR"]) elif isinstance(obj_to_plot, Sequence): seq = obj_to_plot forged_seq = seq.forge(includetime=True, **forger_kwargs) return forged_seq def _plot_summariser(seq: dict[int, dict]) -> dict[int, dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ Return a plotting summary of a subsequence. Args: seq: The 'content' value of a forged sequence where a subsequence resides Returns: A dict that looks like a forged element, but all waveforms are just two points, np.array([min, max]) """ output = {} # we assume correctness, all postions specify the same channels chans = seq[1]["data"].keys() minmax = dict(zip(chans, [(0, 0)] * len(chans))) for element in seq.values(): arr_dict = element["data"] for chan in chans: wfm = arr_dict[chan]["wfm"] if wfm.min() < minmax[chan][0]: minmax[chan] = (wfm.min(), minmax[chan][1]) if wfm.max() > minmax[chan][1]: minmax[chan] = (minmax[chan][0], wfm.max()) output[chan] = { "wfm": np.array(minmax[chan]), "m1": np.zeros(2), "m2": np.zeros(2), "time": np.linspace(0, 1, 2), } return output # the Grand Unified Plotter
[docs] def plotter(obj_to_plot: BBObject, **forger_kwargs) -> None: """ The one plot function to be called. Turns whatever it gets into a sequence, forges it, and plots that. """ # TODO: Take axes as input # strategy: # * Validate # * Forge # * Plot _plot_object_validator(obj_to_plot) seq = _plot_object_forger(obj_to_plot, **forger_kwargs) # Get the dimensions. chans = seq[1]["content"][1]["data"].keys() seqlen = len(seq.keys()) def update_minmax(chanminmax, wfmdata, chanind): (thismin, thismax) = (wfmdata.min(), wfmdata.max()) if thismin < chanminmax[chanind][0]: chanminmax[chanind] = [thismin, chanminmax[chanind][1]] if thismax > chanminmax[chanind][1]: chanminmax[chanind] = [chanminmax[chanind][0], thismax] return chanminmax # Then figure out the figure scalings minf: float = -np.inf inf: float = np.inf chanminmax: list[tuple[float, float]] = [(inf, minf)] * len(chans) for chanind, chan in enumerate(chans): for pos in range(1, seqlen + 1): if seq[pos]["type"] == "element": wfmdata = seq[pos]["content"][1]["data"][chan]["wfm"] chanminmax = update_minmax(chanminmax, wfmdata, chanind) elif seq[pos]["type"] == "subsequence": for pos2 in seq[pos]["content"].keys(): elem = seq[pos]["content"][pos2]["data"] wfmdata = elem[chan]["wfm"] chanminmax = update_minmax(chanminmax, wfmdata, chanind) fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(chans), seqlen) # ...and do the plotting for chanind, chan in enumerate(chans): # figure out the channel voltage scaling # The entire channel shares a y-axis minmax: tuple[float, float] = chanminmax[chanind] (voltagescaling, voltageprefix) = getSIScalingAndPrefix(minmax) voltageunit = voltageprefix + "V" for pos in range(seqlen): # 1 by N arrays are indexed differently than M by N arrays # and 1 by 1 arrays are not arrays at all... if len(chans) == 1 and seqlen > 1: ax = axs[pos] if len(chans) > 1 and seqlen == 1: ax = axs[chanind] if len(chans) == 1 and seqlen == 1: ax = axs if len(chans) > 1 and seqlen > 1: ax = axs[chanind, pos] # reduce the tickmark density (must be called before scaling) ax.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4, prune="lower") if seq[pos + 1]["type"] == "element": content = seq[pos + 1]["content"][1]["data"][chan] wfm = content["wfm"] m1 = content.get("m1", np.zeros_like(wfm)) m2 = content.get("m2", np.zeros_like(wfm)) time = content["time"] newdurs = content.get("newdurations", []) else: arr_dict = _plot_summariser(seq[pos + 1]["content"]) wfm = arr_dict[chan]["wfm"] newdurs = [] ax.annotate( "SUBSEQ", xy=(0.5, 0.5), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="center", ) time = np.linspace(0, 1, 2) # needed for timeexponent # Figure out the axes' scaling timeexponent = np.log10(time.max()) timeunit = "s" timescaling: float = 1.0 if timeexponent < 0: timeunit = "ms" timescaling = 1e3 if timeexponent < -3: timeunit = "micro s" timescaling = 1e6 if timeexponent < -6: timeunit = "ns" timescaling = 1e9 if seq[pos + 1]["type"] == "element": ax.plot( timescaling * time, voltagescaling * wfm, lw=3, color=(0.6, 0.4, 0.3), alpha=0.4, ) ymax = voltagescaling * chanminmax[chanind][1] ymin = voltagescaling * chanminmax[chanind][0] yrange = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim([ymin - 0.05 * yrange, ymax + 0.2 * yrange]) if seq[pos + 1]["type"] == "element": # TODO: make this work for more than two markers # marker1 (red, on top) y_m1 = ymax + 0.15 * yrange marker_on = np.ones_like(m1) marker_on[m1 == 0] = np.nan marker_off = np.ones_like(m1) ax.plot( timescaling * time, y_m1 * marker_off, color=(0.6, 0.1, 0.1), alpha=0.2, lw=2, ) ax.plot( timescaling * time, y_m1 * marker_on, color=(0.6, 0.1, 0.1), alpha=0.6, lw=2, ) # marker 2 (blue, below the red) y_m2 = ymax + 0.10 * yrange marker_on = np.ones_like(m2) marker_on[m2 == 0] = np.nan marker_off = np.ones_like(m2) ax.plot( timescaling * time, y_m2 * marker_off, color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.6), alpha=0.2, lw=2, ) ax.plot( timescaling * time, y_m2 * marker_on, color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.6), alpha=0.6, lw=2, ) # If subsequence, plot lines indicating min and max value if seq[pos + 1]["type"] == "subsequence": # min: ax.plot( time, np.ones_like(time) * wfm[0], color=(0.12, 0.12, 0.12), alpha=0.2, lw=2, ) # max: ax.plot( time, np.ones_like(time) * wfm[1], color=(0.12, 0.12, 0.12), alpha=0.2, lw=2, ) ax.set_xticks([]) # time step lines for dur in np.cumsum(newdurs): ax.plot( [timescaling * dur, timescaling * dur], [ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1]], color=(0.312, 0.2, 0.33), alpha=0.3, ) # labels if pos == 0: ax.set_ylabel(f"({voltageunit})") if pos == seqlen - 1 and not (isinstance(obj_to_plot, BluePrint)): newax = ax.twinx() newax.set_yticks([]) if isinstance(chan, int): new_ylabel = f"Ch. {chan}" elif isinstance(chan, str): new_ylabel = chan newax.set_ylabel(new_ylabel) if seq[pos + 1]["type"] == "subsequence": ax.set_xlabel("Time N/A") else: ax.set_xlabel(f"({timeunit})") # remove excess space from the plot if not chanind + 1 == len(chans): ax.set_xticks([]) if not pos == 0: ax.set_yticks([]) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) # display sequencer information if chanind == 0 and isinstance(obj_to_plot, Sequence): seq_info = seq[pos + 1]["sequencing"] titlestring = "" if seq_info["twait"] == 1: # trigger wait titlestring += "T " if seq_info["nrep"] > 1: # nreps titlestring += "\u21bb{} ".format(seq_info["nrep"]) if seq_info["nrep"] == 0: titlestring += "\u221e " if seq_info["jump_input"] != 0: if seq_info["jump_input"] == -1: titlestring += "E\u2192 " else: titlestring += "E{} ".format(seq_info["jump_input"]) if seq_info["goto"] > 0: titlestring += "\u21b1{}".format(seq_info["goto"]) ax.set_title(titlestring)