Source code for broadbean.element

# This file contains the Element definition
from __future__ import annotations

import json
from import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from broadbean.blueprint import BluePrint, _subelementBuilder

from .broadbean import PulseAtoms

[docs] class ElementDurationError(Exception): pass
[docs] class Element: """ Object representing an element. An element is a collection of waves that are to be run simultaneously. The element consists of a number of channels that are then each filled with anything of the appropriate length. """ def __init__(self): # The internal data structure, a dict with key channel number # Each value is a dict with the following possible keys, values: # 'blueprint': a BluePrint # 'channelname': channel name for later use with a Tektronix AWG5014 # 'array': a dict {'wfm': np.array} (other keys: 'm1', 'm2', etc) # 'SR': Sample rate. Used with array. # # Another dict is meta, which holds: # 'duration': duration in seconds of the entire element. # 'SR': sample rate of the element # These two values are added/updated upon validation of the durations self._data = {} self._meta = {}
[docs] def addBluePrint(self, channel: Union[str, int], blueprint: BluePrint) -> None: """ Add a blueprint to the element on the specified channel. Overwrites whatever was there before. """ if not isinstance(blueprint, BluePrint): raise ValueError( "Invalid blueprint given. Must be an instance" " of the BluePrint class." ) if [] in [ blueprint._funlist, blueprint._argslist, blueprint._namelist, blueprint._durslist, ]: raise ValueError("Received empty BluePrint. Can not proceed.") # important: make a copy of the blueprint newprint = blueprint.copy() self._data[channel] = {} self._data[channel]["blueprint"] = newprint
[docs] def addFlags( self, channel: Union[str, int], flags: Sequence[Union[str, int]] ) -> None: """ Adds flags for the specified channel. List of 4 flags, each of which should be 0 or "" for 'No change', 1 or "H" for 'High', 2 or "L" for 'Low', 3 or "T" for 'Toggle', 4 or "P" for 'Pulse'. """ if not isinstance(flags, Sequence): raise ValueError( "Flags should be given as a sequence (e.g. a list or a tuple)." ) if len(flags) != 4: raise ValueError("There should be 4 flags in the list.") for cnt, i in enumerate(flags): if i not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "", "H", "L", "T", "P"]: raise ValueError( 'Invalid flag at index {cnt}. Allowed flags are 0 or "" (No change), ' '1 or "H" (High), 2 or "L" (Low), 3 or "T" (Toggle), ' '4 or "P" (Pulse).' ) # replace flag aliases with integers flag_aliases = { "": 0, "H": 1, "L": 2, "T": 3, "P": 4, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, } flags_int = [flag_aliases[x] for x in flags] self._data[channel]["flags"] = flags_int
[docs] def addArray( self, channel: Union[int, str], waveform: np.ndarray, SR: int, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Add an array of voltage value to the element on the specified channel. Overwrites whatever was there before. Markers can be specified via the kwargs, i.e. the kwargs must specify arrays of markers. The names can be 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', etc. Args: channel: The channel number waveform: The array of waveform values (V) SR: The sample rate in Sa/s """ N = len(waveform) self._data[channel] = {} self._data[channel]["array"] = {} for name, array in kwargs.items(): if len(array) != N: raise ValueError( "Length mismatch between waveform and " f"array {name}. Must be same length" ) self._data[channel]["array"].update({name: array}) self._data[channel]["array"]["wfm"] = waveform self._data[channel]["SR"] = SR
[docs] def validateDurations(self): """ Check that all channels have the same specified duration, number of points and sample rate. """ # pick out the channel entries channels = self._data.values() if len(channels) == 0: raise KeyError("Empty Element, nothing assigned") # First the sample rate SRs = [] for channel in channels: if "blueprint" in channel.keys(): SRs.append(channel["blueprint"].SR) elif "array" in channel.keys(): SR = channel["SR"] SRs.append(SR) if not SRs.count(SRs[0]) == len(SRs): errmssglst = zip(list(self._data.keys()), SRs) raise ElementDurationError( "Different channels have different " "SRs. (Channel, SR): " f"{list(errmssglst)}" ) # Next the total time durations = [] for channel in channels: if "blueprint" in channel.keys(): durations.append(channel["blueprint"].duration) elif "array" in channel.keys(): length = len(channel["array"]["wfm"]) / channel["SR"] durations.append(length) if None not in SRs: atol = min(SRs) else: atol = 1e-9 if not np.allclose(durations, durations[0], atol=atol): errmssglst = zip(list(self._data.keys()), durations) raise ElementDurationError( "Different channels have different " "durations. (Channel, duration): " f"{list(errmssglst)}s" ) # Finally the number of points # (kind of redundant if sample rate and duration match?) npts = [] for channel in channels: if "blueprint" in channel.keys(): npts.append(channel["blueprint"].points) elif "array" in channel.keys(): length = len(channel["array"]["wfm"]) npts.append(length) if not npts.count(npts[0]) == len(npts): errmssglst = zip(list(self._data.keys()), npts) raise ElementDurationError( "Different channels have different " "npts. (Channel, npts): " f"{list(errmssglst)}" ) # If these three tests pass, we equip the dictionary with convenient # info used by Sequence self._meta["SR"] = SRs[0] self._meta["duration"] = durations[0]
[docs] def getArrays(self, includetime: bool = False) -> dict[int, dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ Return arrays of the element. Heavily used by the Sequence. Args: includetime: Whether to include time arrays. They will have the key 'time'. Time should be included when plotting, otherwise not. Returns: dict: Dictionary with channel numbers (ints) as keys and forged blueprints as values. A forged blueprint is a dict with the mandatory key 'wfm' and optional keys 'm1', 'm2', 'm3' (etc) and 'time'. """ outdict = {} for channel, signal in self._data.items(): if "array" in signal.keys(): outdict[channel] = signal["array"] if includetime and "time" not in signal["array"].keys(): N = len(signal["array"]["wfm"]) dur = N / signal["SR"] outdict[channel]["time"] = np.linspace(0, dur, N) elif "blueprint" in signal.keys(): bp = signal["blueprint"] durs = bp.durations SR = bp.SR forged_bp = _subelementBuilder(bp, SR, durs) outdict[channel] = forged_bp if "flags" in signal.keys(): outdict[channel]["flags"] = signal["flags"] if not includetime: outdict[channel].pop("time") outdict[channel].pop("newdurations") # TODO: should the be a separate bool for newdurations? return outdict
@property def SR(self): """ Returns the sample rate, if well-defined. Else raises an error about what went wrong. """ # Will either raise an error or set self._data['SR'] self.validateDurations() return self._meta["SR"] @property def points(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of points of each channel if that number is well-defined. Else an error is raised. """ self.validateDurations() # pick out what is on the channels channels = self._data.values() # if validateDurations did not raise an error, all channels # have the same number of points for chan in channels: if not ("array" in chan.keys() or "blueprint" in chan.keys()): raise ValueError( f"Neither BluePrint nor array assigned to chan {chan}!" ) if "blueprint" in chan.keys(): return chan["blueprint"].points else: return len(chan["array"]["wfm"]) else: # this line is here to make mypy happy; this exception is # already raised by validateDurations raise KeyError("Empty Element, nothing assigned") @property def duration(self): """ Returns the duration in seconds of the element, if said duration is well-defined. Else raises an error. """ # Will either raise an error or set self._data['SR'] self.validateDurations() return self._meta["duration"] @property def channels(self): """ The channels that has something on them """ chans = [key for key in self._data.keys()] return chans @property def description(self): """ Returns a dict describing the element. """ desc = {} for key, val in self._data.items(): if "blueprint" in val.keys(): desc[str(key)] = val["blueprint"].description elif "array" in val.keys(): desc[str(key)] = "array" if "flags" in val.keys(): desc[str(key)]["flags"] = val["flags"] return desc
[docs] def write_to_json(self, path_to_file: str) -> None: """ Writes element to JSON file Args: path_to_file: the path to the file to write to ex: path_to_file/element.json """ with open(path_to_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(self.description, fp, indent=4)
[docs] @classmethod def element_from_description(cls, element_dict): """ Returns a blueprint from a description given as a dict Args: element_dict: a dict in the same form as returned by Element.description """ channels_list = list(element_dict.keys()) elem = cls() for chan in channels_list: bp_sum = BluePrint.blueprint_from_description(element_dict[chan]) elem.addBluePrint(int(chan), bp_sum) return elem
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_json(cls, path_to_file: str) -> Element: """ Reads Element from JSON file Args: path_to_file: the path to the file to be read ex: path_to_file/Element.json This function is the inverse of write_to_json The JSON file needs to be structured as if it was writen by the function write_to_json """ with open(path_to_file) as fp: data_loaded = json.load(fp) return cls.element_from_description(data_loaded)
[docs] def changeArg( self, channel: Union[str, int], name: str, arg: Union[str, int], value: Union[int, float], replaceeverywhere: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Change the argument of a function of the blueprint on the specified channel. Args: channel: The channel where the blueprint sits. name: The name of the segment in which to change an argument arg: Either the position (int) or name (str) of the argument to change value: The new value of the argument replaceeverywhere: If True, the same argument is overwritten in ALL segments where the name matches. E.g. 'gaussian1' will match 'gaussian', 'gaussian2', etc. If False, only the segment with exact name match gets a replacement. Raises: ValueError: If the specified channel has no blueprint. ValueError: If the argument can not be matched (either the argument name does not match or the argument number is wrong). """ if channel not in self.channels: raise ValueError(f"Nothing assigned to channel {channel}") if "blueprint" not in self._data[channel].keys(): raise ValueError(f"No blueprint on channel {channel}.") bp = self._data[channel]["blueprint"] bp.changeArg(name, arg, value, replaceeverywhere)
[docs] def changeDuration( self, channel: Union[str, int], name: str, newdur: Union[int, float], replaceeverywhere: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Change the duration of a segment of the blueprint on the specified channel Args: channel: The channel holding the blueprint in question name): The name of the segment to modify newdur: The new duration. replaceeverywhere: If True, all segments matching the base name given will have their duration changed. If False, only the segment with an exact name match will have its duration changed. Default: False. """ if channel not in self.channels: raise ValueError(f"Nothing assigned to channel {channel}") if "blueprint" not in self._data[channel].keys(): raise ValueError(f"No blueprint on channel {channel}.") bp = self._data[channel]["blueprint"] bp.changeDuration(name, newdur, replaceeverywhere)
def _applyDelays(self, delays: list[float]) -> None: """ Apply delays to the channels of this element. This function is intended to be used via a Sequence object. Note that this function changes the element it is called on. Calling _applyDelays a second will apply more delays on top of the first ones. Args: delays: A list matching the channels of the Element. If there are channels=[1, 3], then delays=[1e-3, 0] will delay channel 1 by 1 ms and channel 3 by nothing. """ if len(delays) != len(self.channels): raise ValueError( "Incorrect number of delays specified." " Must match the number of channels." ) if not sum(d >= 0 for d in delays) == len(delays): raise ValueError("Negative delays not allowed.") # The strategy is: # Add waituntil at the beginning, update all waituntils inside, add a # zeros segment at the end. # If already-forged arrays are found, simply append and prepend zeros SR = self.SR maxdelay = max(delays) for chanind, chan in enumerate(self.channels): delay = delays[chanind] if "blueprint" in self._data[chan].keys(): blueprint = self._data[chan]["blueprint"] # update existing waituntils for segpos in range(len(blueprint._funlist)): if blueprint._funlist[segpos] == "waituntil": oldwait = blueprint._argslist[segpos][0] blueprint._argslist[segpos] = (oldwait + delay,) # insert delay before the waveform if delay > 0: blueprint.insertSegment(0, "waituntil", (delay,), "waituntil") # add zeros at the end if maxdelay - delay > 0: blueprint.insertSegment( -1, PulseAtoms.ramp, (0, 0), dur=maxdelay - delay ) else: arrays = self._data[chan]["array"] for name, arr in arrays.items(): pre_wait = np.zeros(int(delay * SR)) post_wait = np.zeros(int((maxdelay - delay) * SR)) arrays[name] = np.concatenate((pre_wait, arr, post_wait))
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the element """ new = Element() new._data = deepcopy(self._data) new._meta = deepcopy(self._meta) return new
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Element): return False elif not self._data == other._data: return False elif not self._meta == other._meta: return False else: return True