Source code for broadbean.broadbean

import functools as ft
import logging
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Union

import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PulseAtoms: """ A class full of static methods. The basic pulse shapes. Any pulse shape function should return a list or an np.array and have SR, npoints as its final two arguments. Rounding errors are a real concern/pain in the business of making waveforms of short duration (few samples). Therefore, the PulseAtoms take the number of points rather than the duration as input argument, so that all ambiguity can be handled in one place (the _subelementBuilder) """
[docs] @staticmethod def sine(freq, ampl, off, phase, SR, npts): time = np.linspace(0, npts / SR, int(npts), endpoint=False) freq *= 2 * np.pi return ampl * np.sin(freq * time + phase) + off
[docs] @staticmethod def ramp(start, stop, SR, npts): dur = npts / SR slope = (stop - start) / dur time = np.linspace(0, dur, int(npts), endpoint=False) return slope * time + start
[docs] @staticmethod def arb_func(func: Callable, kwargs, SR, npts): r""" This function is used to generate an arbitrary waveform from a function. The function must be of the form f(time, \*\*kwargs) where time is a numpy array and kwargs is a dict that provides any additional parameters needed for the function. Example: .. code-block:: python func = lambda time, freq, ampl, off, phase: ampl*np.sin(freq*time+phase)+off kwargs = {'freq': 1e6, 'ampl': 1, 'off': 0, 'phase': 0} """ time = np.linspace(0, npts / SR, int(npts), endpoint=False) return func(time, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def waituntil(dummy, SR, npts): # for internal call signature consistency, a dummy variable is needed return np.zeros(int(npts))
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian(ampl, sigma, mu, offset, SR, npts): """ Returns a Gaussian of peak height ampl (when offset==0) Is by default centred in the middle of the interval """ dur = npts / SR time = np.linspace(0, dur, int(npts), endpoint=False) centre = dur / 2 baregauss = np.exp(-((time - mu - centre) ** 2) / (2 * sigma**2)) return ampl * baregauss + offset
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian_smooth_cutoff(ampl, sigma, mu, offset, SR, npts): """ Returns a Gaussian of peak height ampl (when offset==0) Is by default centred in the middle of the interval smooth cutoff by making offsetting the Gaussian so endpoint = 0 and normalizing the hight to 1 """ dur = npts / SR time = np.linspace(0, dur, int(npts), endpoint=False) centre = dur / 2 baregauss = np.exp(-((time - mu - centre) ** 2) / (2 * sigma**2)) - np.exp( -((0 - mu - centre) ** 2) / (2 * sigma**2) ) normalization = 1 / (1.0 - np.exp(-((0 - mu - centre) ** 2) / (2 * sigma**2))) return ampl * baregauss / normalization + offset
[docs] def marked_for_deletion(replaced_by: Union[str, None] = None) -> Callable: """ A decorator for functions we want to kill. The function still gets called. """ def decorator(func): @ft.wraps(func) def warner(*args, **kwargs): warnstr = f"{func.__name__} is obsolete." if replaced_by: warnstr += f" Please use {replaced_by} insted." warnings.warn(warnstr) return func(*args, **kwargs) return warner return decorator
def _channelListSorter(channels: list[Union[str, int]]) -> list[Union[str, int]]: """ Sort a list of channel names. Channel names can be ints or strings. Sorts ints as being before strings. """ intlist: list[Union[str, int]] = [] intlist = [ch for ch in channels if isinstance(ch, int)] strlist: list[Union[str, int]] = [] strlist = [ch for ch in channels if isinstance(ch, str)] sorted_list = sorted(intlist) + sorted(strlist) return sorted_list class _AWGOutput: """ Class used inside Sequence.outputForAWGFile Allows for easy-access slicing to return several valid tuples for the QCoDeS Tektronix AWG 5014 driver from the same sequence. Example: A sequence, myseq, specifies channels 1, 2, 3, 4. out = myseq.outputForAWGFile() out[:] <--- tuple with all channels out[1:3] <--- tuple with channels 1, 2 out[2] <--- tuple with channel 2 """ def __init__(self, rawpackage, channels): """ Rawpackage is a tuple: (wfms, m1s, m2s, nreps, trig_wait, goto, jump) Channels is a list of what the channels were called in their sequence object whence this instance is created """ self.channels = channels self._channels = {} for ii in range(len(rawpackage[0])): self._channels[ii] = { "wfms": rawpackage[0][ii], "m1s": rawpackage[1][ii], "m2s": rawpackage[2][ii], } self.nreps = rawpackage[3] self.trig_wait = rawpackage[4] self.goto = rawpackage[5] self.jump = rawpackage[6] def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): if key in self._channels.keys(): output = ( [self._channels[key]["wfms"]], [self._channels[key]["m1s"]], [self._channels[key]["m2s"]], self.nreps, self.trig_wait, self.goto, self.jump, ) return output else: raise KeyError(f"{key} is not a valid key.") if isinstance(key, slice): start = key.start if start is None: start = 0 stop = key.stop if stop is None: stop = len(self._channels.keys()) step = key.step if step is None: step = 1 indeces = range(start, stop, step) wfms = [self._channels[ind]["wfms"] for ind in indeces] m1s = [self._channels[ind]["m1s"] for ind in indeces] m2s = [self._channels[ind]["m2s"] for ind in indeces] output = (wfms, m1s, m2s, self.nreps, self.trig_wait, self.goto, self.jump) return output raise KeyError("Key must be int or slice!")